Flagging tasks as C2ISTAR vs. Editor placed tasks

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  2. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Spyder I think said something to that effect if I recall correctly. But I think it was just in regards to the clear the town objective.

    I don't have any A3 map missions going so I can't say. The only thing I can offer is that when I first discovered ALiVE I tried Operation Landlord and the Transport Troops mission was broken then too. LOL! So yeah, at least some of them are broken regardless.

    What I can do is test them for you if you'd like. I can't actually "play" ARMA right now thanks to the update breaking all my missions so I have ample time to run some tests. I can setup a vanilla Altis mission and test anything you guys might want help with. Let me know. It would be my pleasure. :)

  3. If you're offering.. then yeah it would be helpful to test them one by one on Altis. Make sure you have -showScriptErrors enabled and/or your RPT file so we can look at the error messages. Try to run with just CBA and ALIVE. Let me know if you have any questions.. and THANKS!

  4. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    No problem! I'll see what I can come up with. Is CBA 2.3.1 ok? I don't have any older versions. Just the newest one on Workshop.

  5. Actually. No biggie if not, but if anyone had a bland vanilla mission on Altis set up to go and could forward me the mission.sqm that would save me some setup time. No worries if not.

  6. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I'll spend more time testing this tomorrow. Using a very slightly modified Operation Landlord. I spent an hour trying to see how mil assault would play out and I kept dying. LOL! I suck. Had to add the AI skill module before calling it quits. Hopefully now I'll suck less and can actually be good enough to start testing these with only ALiVE and CBA. Can't test if you die. :) Vanilla CSAT is much MUCH more skilled than CAF Aggressors which I'm used to. Wow.

  7. Edited 9 years ago by SavageCDN

    Much easier if you are invincible - in debug console or in your player init line either:

    player enableDamage false;
    player setCaptive true;

    Actually the 2nd one could cause issues.. .I would stick with the first.

  8. Yeah good call. My plan is starting tonight to go through every C2ISTAR task twice. Obviously I won't complete this tonight but I will start this and post reports back any time one of them fails.

  9. No rush man!! Have a drink!!

  10. Way ahead of you. Fridge is locked and loaded. Bring it C2ISTAR!

  11. Ok. Here's a rpt of the "clear the town" objective not completing. This is again with a vanilla mission:


    The mission type is "Civilian Objective Assault." The mission name is "Clear the town." Even after using the commander tablet and marking all active units and ensuring there were absolutely no enemies anywhere, the objective still never completes.

    Hopefully this will prove useful. Military Objective Assault and Military Objective Defend both worked wonderfully. On my way through the others.

  12. Pretty sure you guys are aware of this one, but here's a rpt for the "Sabotage Installation" mission with the task being "Destroy Location" that couldn't be completed.


    The installation I needed to blow up in this example ended up being a pile of garbage on a dock near the ocean. LOL!

  13. Thanks man added them to the issue list!

  14. ARJay

    29 Feb 2016 Administrator

    Happy to announce that we are working on fixes to the task system.

    Thanks for testing gang!

    The sabotage indestructable buildings ones is fixed in dev, as is the civilian assault one. Looking into others over the next week or so.

    Any other suggestions for new tasks or alterations welcomed.

  15. ARjay! Thanks for everything you've given us with this mod. Haven't seen you post in awhile so I wanted to thank you while I can!

    Every time I request a C2ISTAR task I keep thinking it would be cool to rescue a hostage. It doesn't even necessarily need to be a soldier POW if everyone thinks that's overkill. I even like to idea of going into save a civ (I can pretend he's a journalist or hiker who hiked in the wrong area or something).

    It could work like the troop transport mission, except maybe the location of the hostage can be more vague. Once we find him and clear the compound or whatnot, we could call in evac and he could board the chopper or transport and mission complete.

    I don't know. I think rescuing a POW or hostage whatever would be neat.

    I definitely have more ideas, including for the existing tasks and format, but this one keeps jumping out to me as something I'd love.

  16. ARJay

    29 Feb 2016 Administrator

    Yeah I had a bit of a hiatus from ARMA and ALiVE while RL took over for some months, feeling motivated again after the 1.0 release, glad people are still having fun with ALiVE!

    Hostage rescue is a nice idea actually, that sounds like a good one to work on to get back into the tasks system as a whole.

  17. 8 years ago

    Has there been any movement on updating the C2/ISTAR Tasking system?
    I'm still seeing issue with generated tasks not being able to be completed. Sometimes the items/guarding infantry won't spawn (Insurgent Cache), or Vehicle Destruction will break (vehicles spawning, and destroying themselves somehow), or HVT missions not spawning an HVT or guards.

    I don't know if it's just server load dependent, or what.

    I would love to see them updated, and maybe some others added - like the Hostage Rescue above, or maybe a damaged vehicle, or downed pilot recovery

  18. They've received improvements and touch ups but not a full in - depth analyzation of why some don't work 100%.

  19. Thanks for the info Spyder. Any improvements are welcome. :)
    I think I saw you playing today while I was setting my server up for a new unit org on War-Room.

  20. Was on vacation, not me ;)

  21. Hmmm, may have been an older mission then.


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