I don't know how you fellas keep it up...

  1. 10 years ago

    ....because I'm fried. To you ALiVE team members, kudos to you. After struggling hour after hour in trying to get things working, I might just have to throw in the towel.

    Currently, I am unable to start a mission because it gets stuck on the load screen. However, if I remove any links to the War Room, my server starts up just fine.

    Here is a link to my server report in case you have the time to look at it....


    My notes after evaluating the report...

    1. Line 817: Operation v: Boobs. This is an old op name. I have change both my onloadname in my description.ext, as well as my *.pbo filename. I think the persistence is trying to load old information to my new mission.

    2. To simplify things, I removed all OPCOM modules and any logistics modules. I simply have MP, MPC, and CQB modules. I removed all factions and I'm simply using the base factions. Starting at line 955, ALiVE_SYS_LOGISTICS stuff starts to report on ammo boxes that don't exist. Maybe in Operation Boobs they did, but in my current mission, I deleted the ammo boxes that are being reported lines 955-973. Again, I think the database is trying to upload old mission data into my new mission. Hell, maybe all of the information in this report is old....not sure.

    3. Then the error fest begins at Line 1441.

    Note: In trying to figure all of this out, I did download a new zip file for @AliveServer and I put it on my server. I did so because I thought I saw updated files based on file modification dates. I don't see how this would have screwed anything up though.

    Any ideas?

    And again...thanks for your time. I know you don't have to do this so I do appreciate you helping me now and on previous occassions.

  2. ARJay

    13 Nov 2014 Administrator

    At the moment we are all very busy with RL work, I suggest you PM tupolov on here with your skype details and see if has time to give you a hand over the weekend.

  3. Tupolov

    13 Nov 2014 Administrator

    Looks like there is corrupt data in the DB for your mission, specifically related to sys_logistics. There are also other loading errors.

    I would validate your setup, by running the ALiVE Quick Start mission to ensure that this is indeed mission related and not an issue with your install.

    For your other mission, you'll need to rename the mission (file name) and mission name and try again, that way it won't load your old data.

  4. highhead

    14 Nov 2014 Administrator

    Yo TrueDat! Im sure we will get it working, can you please try a simple, small mission with no mods to narrow down the cause - you can also send it to us then so we can take a look at it directly!

  5. Edited 10 years ago by TrEuDaT

    Yo Yo Highhead! :)

    Thanks for taking the case. I will definitely do what I can for you guys up until 14 DEC. Not that you fellas care, but I discontinued my server which will be up until then. I decided that either I don't know what I'm doing (most likely the case) or things arent mature enough for someone like me to come in and make the mission I know that ALiVE will someday make possible.

    Like i said at the top of this thread, kudos to you guys for undoubtedly spending the hours & hours trying to make a product that old guys like me can use. I hope that in the end....you all make some money somehow because you deserve it. If it is just for the fun, I understand that too...I'd be right there with ya if I had a different life... :)

    Regarding the database issue, I have referenced this many times as I've built my missions(http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/ALiVE_Data ). I can tell you that I've changed BOTH...

    1. "name".pbo: line 677 shows the mission file that was executed..."Z6". I created that mission from scratch starting with Z1 and its had several iterations. I remember exactly when i removed those weapon (around Z3) crates which are showing up in the server rpt I initially sent. There are no crates in the mission now.

    2. "onloadname" in the description ext: Mission Z6's description.ext file is...

    onLoadName = The President's Girl;

    The server report shows on line 783...

    9:50:24 "Operation: The President's Girl"

    ...so that verifies onloadname executed correctly. Now look at line 817....

    9:50:33 k [20]: Operation v: Boobs

    This is an old mission name from last week (Z3ish version). This line along with the ammo boxes that are listed under sys_logistics tell me that persistence and the database are corrupt somehow.

    Don't rush for me fellas....but certainly let me know if I can help you. Maybe you flip some switch or something now that fixes it.....thus saving many man hours down the road after your product goes platinum. Again, let me know if i can help.


  6. Tupolov

    14 Nov 2014 Administrator

    Ok, the Boobs problem is fixed :D

    Just so that we can rule out a server/mission/mod problem. Can you test with just CBA_A3, ALiVE, ALiVEServer and run the ALiVE Quick Start mission?

  7. sure...ill try and get back with you....thx fellas.

  8. Quick start mission ran fine....other than the logs say something is an old version....

    Posted server rpt here....


    About to try my mission again...

  9. Was this resolved in any way? Im having the same error.

  10. Tupolov

    30 Dec 2014 Administrator

    As I suggested before, make sure you validate your setup with one of the stock missions first, then let us know if its your mission specifically that is not working. Always make sure you have got the latest version of ALiVE and ALiVEServer :)


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