

Last active 4 years ago

  1. 5 years ago
    Sun May 26 23:26:58 2019
    Tupolov posted in Crowd Issue.

    Shouldn't happen. How did you see this happen?

  2. Fri May 10 08:22:13 2019
    Tupolov posted in New ORBAT Tool.

    You've only generated the CfgGroups in that autogen... You need to export the entire faction

  3. Fri May 10 08:21:03 2019
    Tupolov posted in Copying faction problem.

    Not sure we support copying ORBAT factions. I haven't looked at the code in a while, but recommend using vanilla units as the base/source for ORBAT factions.

  4. Mon Apr 15 15:22:49 2019

    Fixed in dev.

  5. 6 years ago
    Mon Jul 16 19:47:46 2018
    Tupolov posted in Preview images doesn't save.

    Use Virtual Reality terrain too. Make sure you set an addon name in the module setting.

  6. Mon Jul 16 19:36:18 2018

    For MP players only

  7. Tue Apr 3 15:40:21 2018

    Yeah looking into it. Looks like it loads data, but not all the data...

  8. Fri Mar 30 22:40:54 2018

    Asymmetric commanders use different tactics and will avoid direct confrontation where possible. Gonna blame this one on BIS AI. If you are in stealth and getting hit by AT... the AI isn't doing a great job of being stealthy or reacting to possible threats.

    Maybe change your commander back to normal?

  9. Fri Mar 30 22:06:29 2018

    Units that are controlled by an Asymmetric AI commander are initially set to Stealth mode.

  10. Sun Mar 11 07:40:24 2018
    Tupolov posted in ORBAT Creator General FAQ.


    Faction to File is for advanced users/use cases only, please use the original autogen method for your factions.

    Simple workaround is to remove #include "script_component.hpp" from config.cpp

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