OPCOM Group Issues

  1. 9 years ago

    So I'm wanting to get back into using ALiVE again, but it seems like with even the most simplistic of Asymmetric setups, I'm getting an error when the missions starts regarding the OPCOM not recognizing the groups for the provided factions. Most factions, that is...

    If in my commander module I select NATO in the dropdowns, then no error.

    If I select CSAT in the dropdowns, I do actually receive the error.

    Selecting the RED REBELs or whatever in dropdowns, I get it then too.

    Using Leight's (LOP_AM, LOP_ISTS, etc.) I do receive the error as well.

    Using CAF AG (caf_ag_me_t), I receive the error.

    Using RHS's US army dudes in desert, however, no error...

    Anybody having similar issues? Was there a change in the requirements for these group definitions in these later updates? Or is it just me?

    Best regards and thank you for your time,

    - Crap

  2. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Are you using the latest versions of both ALIVE and CBA? Also make sure that the unit's are indeed virtualized if placing groups that way.

  3. I am getting that error using LOP ISTS as my Asymmetrical faction also. I just thought it was related to them not having any units populate at the beginning of the mission as they are the Insurgents.

    I actually have 2 enemy factions on my map, one OpFor and one IND. OpFor is an occupation force, while IND is an Insurgent force.

    I'll go back through my mission and double check my settings. Can provide mission SQM or RPT if needed.

  4. Thanks for your reply Spyder,

    ALiVE v1.0.1.1603161 with CBA v2.3.1.160220

    No other units aside from the BLUFOR Playable are put on map, and the Virtual AI System module is at default values.

    - Crap

  5. Give it a try with the new ALiVE release that just popped out, maybe it will fix your issues (haven't seen any issues 9n my end though).

  6. 8 years ago

    I had this same issue last week as well and we couldn't figure out what happened. I am retrying a mission file I was working on from scratch this week to see if it will get sorted out with the new release.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by DaVidoSS

    I have make config patches for both hostile factions to achieve config default arma3 standardisation and middle east scenario. The ALiVE works just perfect. Everything is working great. Never see such compatibility using non vanilla factions.

  8. Friznit

    28 Mar 2016 Administrator

    Would love to get a copy!

  9. Edited 8 years ago by DaVidoSS

    Mods needed:

    http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21912     @NATO_Russian_SF_Weapons
    http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27652     @mas_nato_rus_sf_veh
    http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29977     @middle_East_Warfare
    http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27149     @rhs_usf3
    http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22749     @USMC_A3
    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByRTbY28pkpiQmJZOEJuNW1JakU  @mas_compatibilities  config patch for new insurgents faction  "OPF_MTI_F"  included.
    @alive_masrhs_usmc  config patch to mix RHS and mas USMC to new faction "alive_masrhs_usmc"

    Static_data :

    ALIVE_factionDefaultTransport = [] call ALIVE_fnc_hashCreate;
    [ALIVE_factionDefaultTransport, "alive_masrhs_usmc", ["B_masrhs_M1083A1P2_B_M2_d_open_fmtv", "B_masrhs_M1083A1P2_B_d_open_fmtv"]] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
    ALIVE_factionDefaultAirTransport = [] call ALIVE_fnc_hashCreate;
    [ALIVE_factionDefaultAirTransport, "alive_masrhs_usmc", ["B_masrhs_CH_47F_light", "B_masrhs_UH60M"]] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
    [ALIVE_factionDefaultSupplies, "alive_masrhs_usmc", ["Box_mas_mar_NATO_equip_F", "Box_mas_mar_NATO_Wps_F"]] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
    [ALIVE_factionDefaultSupplies, "OPF_MTI_F", ["Box_mas_ru_rifle_Wps_F", "Box_mas_med_opf_Wps_F"]] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
    ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks = ["MilAssault","CivAssault","TransportInsertion","InsurgencyPatrol","InsurgencyDestroyAssets"];
  10. Davidoss, I see you're blacklisting C2ISTAR tasks. Is this working for you? I have found that it only works on the first task, then any task after that can be any task including the blacklisted ones.

  11. All working great so far

  12. Y'know... In retrospect, I think my entire problem originally was yet again placing Objectives Only placement modules for the Asymmetrical OPCOM, without giving it an actual TAOR with troop spawns to begin with.


    The error message was more likely not the OPCOM claiming those faction names as invalid, but it simply not recognizing any placement of groups under those factions.

    Now the fun thing is that I can get the factions to spawn groups now under both 1.0.1 and 1.0.2, but get this:

    On the Kunduz map under CUP Terrain, I can't get any civilians to appear under 1.0.2, while it works just fine in 1.0.1...

    Thanks for your help! Beginning new thread for this separate issue.

  13. highhead

    3 Apr 2016 Administrator

    replied to your civi problem in the appropriate thread. need reliable repro with vanilla factions and vanilla mission (no other addons than kunduz cba and alive)

  14. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    You don't need to use AiA or CUP with Kunduz. It's a standalone map. Probably won't solve the problem but just wanted to point that out.

  15. You're absolutely correct about that, Heroes. Been running the A2 maps so long, that didn't even occur to me. Will keep it in mind for future troubleshooting and the repro mission for highhead 'ere.

    And thanks highhead, heading over to the other thread now.


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