[Solved] Persistence Issues & Stats saving with ACE

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  2. 8 years ago

    Oh rightio, so its not due to anything i've done incorrectly? I was going mad earlier :P

    In that case, hopefully the logs i've provided can sort a fix out so others don't experience it.

    In regards to the data, thanks for that, i'll shut the server off and await further info.

  3. Tupolov

    30 Nov 2016 Administrator

    Ok data cleaned, give it another shot.

  4. Edited 8 years ago by willithappen

    Indeed we've had luck, loaded in with all the objects we placed in tact, checked the nearest town, one of the IED Factories we destroyed is gone, the other is still in place. Fantastic!

    However, at this stage, does this mean after saving again, without the data being cleaned up, we'll be stuck loading?

    EDIT: There does appear to be a higher rate of object placement inconsistency to before however, some objects being wildly out of place or angled very oddly.

    Normally its pretty minor

  5. Tupolov

    30 Nov 2016 Administrator

    This issue has uncovered a regression from our last release, so thanks for reporting and your patience.

  6. No troubles at all, appreciate you fixing our save (is it correct to assume that for the time being however, attempting to save and then reload again will cause error?).

    Please let me know if any other data I can provide will assist you guys.


  7. Tupolov

    30 Nov 2016 Administrator


    Yes the save will break it again :( We will try to push a hotfix this week.

  8. Edited 8 years ago by willithappen

    Seeing as the issue currently (from what I gather) is in the roadblocks saving. If I save my server now. Go turn that saving feature off. Ask you (very nicely of course :P ) to clear that broken data out and then reload our mission, would we be good to go?

    Would grabbing the latest Github version of whichever .pbo was fixed and applying that to our ArmASync repo also fix the issue (temporarily anyway)

  9. Tupolov

    30 Nov 2016 Administrator

    Turning off saving compositions will fix the issue.

    We need to do a new build, but yes that would also fix the issue (sys_data.pbo) - after a data clean.

  10. Edited 8 years ago by willithappen


    I have just saved my servers data now, is it possible for you to clean the respective data?

    For the time being i'll disable composition saving/pack the fixed sys_data.pbo.

    Is the highlighted object the required data that needs to be turned off? - http://i.imgur.com/ARkCgYY.png

  11. Tupolov

    30 Nov 2016 Administrator


  12. Easy done. I've disabled that part in the module, however i'm again having trouble loading/saving. Is it possible for you to check my data again?

    Apologies for the troubles, thanks for helping me out with my issues.

  13. Tupolov

    1 Dec 2016 Administrator

    Give it a crack now

  14. Indeed the server does load, however, not getting any data re-loading now. The logistics items and vehicles etc are longer present.

    ALiVE [m_15|200] Module ALiVE_SYS_playeroptions INIT
    L ALiVE Modules:13 - Initialisation started...
    Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Guerrilla/OutpostsSmall/SmallHouse_BLU_G_F,[1550.63,10650.6,0],310.117,"CUP_I_TK_GUE"]
    Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Guerrilla/OutpostsMedium/LongHouse_BLU_G_F,[14149.4,11251.9,0],149.113,"CUP_I_TK_GUE"]
    Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Guerrilla/Camps/CampA,[19255.6,11053.1,0],199.327,"CUP_I_TK_GUE"]
    class HitPoints::HitFuel not found in Land_Camping_Light_F
    Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Guerrilla/Camps/CampE,[11850.6,12446.9,0],60.7136,"CUP_I_TK_GUE"]
    Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Guerrilla/Camps/CampA,[850.625,13350.6,0],160.235,"CUP_I_TK_GUE"]
    Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Guerrilla/OutpostsMedium/LongHouse_BLU_G_F,[7650.63,13250.6,0],297.053,"CUP_I_TK_GUE"]
    ALiVE [m_16|202] Module ALiVE_sys_player INIT
    Error in expression <ect 0;
    _result = false;
    if ((typeName _value) == "ARRAY" && {(count _value) ==>
      Error position: <_value) == "ARRAY" && {(count _value) ==>
      Error Undefined variable in expression: _value
    File x\alive\addons\x_lib\functions\data\fnc_isHash.sqf, line 40
    Error in expression <_missionName];
    private ["_res"];
    if (ALIVE_sys_data_dictionaryLoaded) then {
      Error position: <ALIVE_sys_data_dictionaryLoaded) then {
      Error Undefined variable in expression: alive_sys_data_dictionaryloaded
    File x\alive\addons\sys_player\fnc_player.sqf, line 134

    A new error has appeared however. Hopefully this is handy?

  15. Tupolov

    1 Dec 2016 Administrator

    Man this is fun....

  16. Are you not entertained?

  17. Tupolov

    1 Dec 2016 Administrator

    Need the full RPT on debug mode please. Thanks for your patience!

  18. Which things do you need turned on debug mate? Data obviously, anything else?

  19. Tupolov

    1 Dec 2016 Administrator

    Just data

  20. Edited 8 years ago by willithappen

    Hey mate, got two logs here for you - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_2zc8eRe8ZTX1VobjVUMTBaUGs/view?usp=sharing

    At first glance, the ARRAY error from above doesn't show in the second log (not fully looked over however)

    log_1 has (In Data) save Roadblocks/Outposts on No and in my OPFOR OPCOM Roadblocks (Asymmetric) on yes (with control type on Asymmetric aswell of course)
    log_2 has both turned off

    Both cause a failure to load in persistent items ;(

  21. Tupolov

    1 Dec 2016 Administrator

    Ok cleaned up some more data. Give it a whirl...

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