Add a Price Tag to Combat Support Options

  1. 8 years ago

    Hi guys,
    I'm planning to make a misison that has capture points that gain you income (resources like ammo, fuel and supplies) by using the respective "mcc capture zone" module from the mcc mod. Since I will mainly use Alive to populate the map and provide player combat support etc. I would like to know if it is somehow possible to add a price to assets like CAS, Transport, Artillery support.

    I would also like to add a price to the troops that you can order from the military logistics pool and have them provided via air drop, heli insertion or convoy. Maybe this can even be done by adding units to the military logistics pool.
    For example: while zone is captured by BLUFOR, add 2 units to the military logistics forcepool every 10 minutes.

    This would be great for adding rewards to capturing objectives and also to somehow restrict the amount of units players are 'ordering' without just having lets say 500 military logistics units at hand from the beginning.

    Somehow I have the feeling that this has been asked before, but I'm not sure if there was a way to get this done or not.

  2. Ok, I found out that I can add/remove from the global logistics force pool with this:

    if(isServer) then {
    	// example: get the global force pool count for the BLU_F faction
            _currentBLUFORForcepool = [ALIVE_globalForcePool,"BLU_F"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet;
            // example: alter the current BLU_F force pool
            [ALIVE_globalForcePool,"BLU_F",20] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;

    Therefore I would be able to start with a fixed logistics force pool and then add to it when a sector is captured.

    Now what I would need to know is how much is deducted from the force pool if I order e.g. a tank, an ammobox or a single soldier.
    Is there somewhere a table or an easy explanation for that?


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