Player Logistics Future

  1. 8 years ago

    Hi everyone.

    HAppy New Year!

    We are new to using ALIVE Persistence and we see an enormous potential for new kind of multi-day operations in our community. Our problem is that its not everything that gets persistence. We are using R3F Logistics to build patrol outpost but they dont get persisted, we use a mix of ACE and R3F for vehicle cargo management depending on the object these dont get persisted either. We tried with the R3F Code in the ALive Wiki without success. I think that persistence brings a lot of possibility for mission maker specially in two area. Warfare because there is an evolution in the fight over long period of time that you can't see in an hour of playtime but you can while fighting the same war over many weeks... and Logistics. It creates a or deeper immersion, another layer. At any point in time, is the Alive team thinking about adding functionality to the Player Logistics action that are compatible with persistence.

    Exemple :

    • Load Object in vehicle
    • Access Vehicle Cargo inventory. different storage capacity depending of the vehicle. Cargo is persisted in the vehicle.
    • More move object options (lower, rise, rotate)
    • Paradrop for Vehicles inventory
    • Persistent crate inventory
    • Warehouse object where you can spawn Crates, COntainers, Fortification, Lights,boxes, Static Weapons, etc.
    • Etc...

    Basically let us move more stuff and store more stuff everywhere. Maybe a talk with the ACE Team would also help? They have already developed the Cargo functionality ( alive_ace_Compat.pbo ? ).

    Our dream workflow during our Op would be something like this.

    Grab a truck. Spawn some empty crates. Put stuff in the empty crates vanilla inventory. Load the crates in the truck. Spawn some sand bag wall... put them in the truck. Drive to the location. Unload, setup perimeter with the sand bags. At base Spawn a container, load it with concrete wall, concertina fence, a bunker (yeah in a container), but some more ammobox and mounted weapons, some lights). SlingLoad the container to the outpost. Finish the outpost. The container is left there with stuff that isn't used in it. Disconnect... ShutDown the mission. Come back 2 days later! Load mIssion and everything is there! ;)

    Maybe I am dreaming, but Alive is a game changer in the Armaverse, and I am sure that you already have thought about variants of what i am imagining also. I am sure that am not the only one dreaming about this.

    Thx for everything and continue your amazing work. Please dont take this post has a complaint.

    Take care.

  2. Did you have a look under Mod Compatability here?:

    I dont use persistance myself but it might be what you need.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I don't think it's currently working from what I've read around the forums. Take that with a grain of salt though. I'll see if I can dig up a ticket or thread.

    I'm all for Logistics improvements, but I'd love to see it done without the R3F and ACE requirements. And not only that, is R3F even being developed anymore? It seems risky to officially support a dead mod but I don't pretend to be an expert on this stuff.

  4. Another report here:

  5. Friznit

    3 Jan 2017 Administrator

    @olanguedoc - Load Object in vehicle

    • Access Vehicle Cargo inventory. different storage capacity depending of the vehicle. Cargo is persisted in the vehicle.
    • Persistent crate inventory

    These can already be done using ALiVE's own player logistics support tools, which fully support persistence:

    Admittedly it's not as intuitive as ACE/R3F. We never put to much effort in because other mods already do a pretty good job, and (in theory) adding persistence code to them should be straight forward. You can persist anything you want via the ALiVE DB with a simple bit of scripting:

    - Paradrop for Vehicles inventory
    - Warehouse object where you can spawn Crates, COntainers, Fortification, Lights,boxes, Static Weapons,

    You can sling load objects and crates using Combat Support . We've not added paradrop because there are no cargo planes in (vanilla) ArmA.

    Warehouse spawns are not in scope for ALiVE - we follow a "credibly realistic" approach modeled on an actual Battlefield Military Logistics supply chain, which players can request equipment from via the Logistics Interface

  6. @Frinitz

    I totally understand. My issue with the current logistic request, is that if I call a logistic drop for exemple with bunkers... i cannot decide where the bunkers will go... it pops out of the box somewhere and thats it.


    • Access Vehicle Cargo inventory. different storage capacity depending of the vehicle. Cargo is persisted in the vehicle.
    • Persistent crate inventory

    These can already be done using ALiVE's own player logistics support tools,


    You say we can load a crate in a vehicle/crate with player logistic? I never saw that option anywhere.


    I dont mean that i want Alive to be dependant on another mod or script. But maybe that ACE per exemple could add the scripting to their system so their cargo system and box movement becomes persisted.

    I would love to only run ACE & Alive Only.

  7. Friznit

    6 Jan 2017 Administrator

    Point taken on the bunkers - there's a ticket open to enable player logistics on "anything". I'll bump it up the Kanban board.

    If you put objects within 1m of a cargo vehicle, you can interact with the vehicle to load them on board. It's not quite as elegant as R3F/ACE Log but it works.

  8. Didnt know that. I'll try it tonight!

  9. Edited 8 years ago by JD_Wang

    Just FYI we built this the other night after clearing a troublesome minefield through one of the Takistani passes.

    This was done with R3F logistics, and was the first time half the guys on had actually used it.

    *note usually what happens after such a mission is I take screenshots of the construction, then edit the mission adding everything in the editor so it looks the same, then I'll put down a custom objective module at the spot so both sides know to fight over it. I just find this way works best for us.


  10. We use ARES for Zeus extension. You can select a location on the map and save everyting in a specified radius. It goes to your clipboard. But you CANT load in while in EDEN to modify your mission file. That would also have been an alternative.

    What about an Alive module where you sync objects (sand bag, Lights , Fences, gates, Tent, fortification,flower pot etc....) to it in 3den and then on mission start those objects are deleted but their classname are added to a list of objects to be persisted on ALIVE SERVER EXIT at the end. So everybody with any mod can decide what custom objects are persisted or not... and prevent compatibility issue. Move the box with Alive or ACE or R3F.... if its in the list it gets persisted.

    I saw something similar with LoadoutTransfer2 mod. You can edit your characters in 3DEN with the arsenal sync them to the module... and those loadout are added in-game but their placeholder characters are deleted.


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