When I binarize my ORBAT faction....it doesn't show in editor. Help?

  1. 8 years ago

    So I've had multiple requests to binarize both my African Factions for CUP and my Takistan Civs for CUP and I'm running into an issue.

    When I binarize the mods....then launch arma and go into the editor...the factions no longer show in the editor.

    When I leave them unbinarized...they show up as normal.

    Any help on this would be appreciated. If I can binarize them, I'd love to.

  2. Who asked you to binaries them? The CUP team? Otherwise binarizing them doesn't hold much gain.

  3. 7 years ago

    Some of the folks using them say that they have players getting kicked from servers due to unbinarized addons.

  4. Never heard of that happening with unbinarized addons. I think that is more of an issue for the server admins not wanting it than the guys having them unbinarized. I personally don't see any issue with having them unbinarized at all.

  5. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    ^ many most addons aren't binarized


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