INCON Scripts for ALiVE 2: Electric Boogaloo

  1. 8 years ago

    Old thread was being weird, probably because of how huge it was getting.

    So my original question to @incontinenetia was, in the scripts shared, in the readme it's telling me to place the initUnits.sqf and init.sqf in the mission folder, but I'm not seeing either of those. ??? I have approximately 0 knowledge of scripting other than I know you have to put an sqf in the mission folder, so I could just be missing something.

  2. Friznit

    27 Mar 2017 Administrator
    Edited 8 years ago by Friznit

    Beaten! I'll nuke my other new one (also twss)

  3. Since frizl accidentally linked his super secret admin version of the OP, here's the one for all of us lowborn:

  4. Friznit

    27 Mar 2017 Administrator

    And I would have got away with it too it weren't for those pesky kids!

  5. @narrowsoul If you are looking for the mission folder it is created when you save your mission in the Arma editor. Should be something like C:\Users\#USERNAME#\Documents\Arma3\ and then \missions or \mpmissions. Once saved there should be a folder with your mission name. If you cannot find those .sqf files in the incon folder you downloaded try redownloading from Github here . I just tried the .zip link and it has all the files. Just take the INCON folder, description.ext, initUnits.sqf, and initPlayer.sqf and drop them in your mission folder, instructions in readme should help. There are also readmes in for each specific script in their associated folders in the INCON folder. Hope that helps.

  6. Okay, it seems I just had an incomplete download before, thanks a lot! My two buddies that have been play testing my insurgency mission in progress will be glad to hear that after searching about 100 bodies in vain they should actually have a chance at looting some intel now :)

  7. 7 years ago

    Haha so.... we all good now?

  8. Anyone figure out how to override our profile avatar? Doubtful but I guess it can't hurt asking.

  9. Edited 7 years ago by incontinenetia

    Did the script snippet I gave you in the last thread not work?

    Edit: cancel that, it won't work. I'll think of something better.

  10. Also, just a heads up @patpowercat and anyone reading this thread, the repository you linked to isn't supported anymore as each script has been separated into a different package (so you no longer need the incognito script if you just want intel and vice versa). There are some fairly substantial improvements in most of the scripts too.

    Get intel here .

    Get persistence here .

    Get undercover here .

    Get jiggy here .

  11. @incontinenetia Did the script snippet I gave you in the last thread not work?

    Edit: cancel that, it won't work. I'll think of something better.

    You linked me a script snippet? Man that thread was messed up lol. I never saw that. No hurry on finding an option that works. I just have a very specific kind of mission in mind, so if you ever think of something, that would be neat.

  12. Tested last night by massacring a squad of terrorists with Zeus fire support and going to pick up the pieces; intel script seems to work. Thanks for the script!

    edit mid post: Ah, I had actually split out the scripts already on my own but I'll be sure to use this new one because I probably wasn't too efficient at splitting it out, and if there are improvements I definitely want that.

    Idle curiosity, why hasn't the script just been implemented into ALiVE? The Military AI Commander module makes it sound like it is integrated, hence me and some m8s looting dead bodies with no idea what was happening for some hours of play.

  13. I'd love to see this incorporated into ALiVE. It's such a wonderful concept.

    Does anyone have a relatively feature complete mission they can share, or share with me when it's about done?

  14. Well the intel script that's in ALiVE is (I think) based on the original by Spyder and Dixon.. mine is a bit more fancy but not necessarily as robust or to everyone's taste as the ALiVE version. In particular, the "unit tracking" is a bit unrealistic. As far as I know, there's nothing that tracks radio signals as well as this does in any modern military (not in common circulation anyway). It's kind of fun but not really realistic enough to be incorporated into ALiVE in my opinion.

  15. Edited 7 years ago by narrowsoul

    What's the status on the other script that was mentioned in that package's readme or something as incomplete? I can't even remember what it was but it sounded super cool.

    edit: Oh yeah, checked, and it was the surrender script. I imagine it's really hard to pull off a surrender script properly but if you managed one that was even remotely usable that would be awesome.

  16. Well it works... it might just interfere with things like VCOM and I don't think it's very optimised at all. When I'm playing Arma again I might just brush it up and release it.


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