Error position: <BIS_missionScope getVariable "sites")]

  1. 10 years ago

    i get the following errors while running a persistent mission:

    21:04:23 "arma3/BIS_fnc_log: [SITES] Processing Traffic Checkpoint (5 of scalar)"
    21:04:23 Error in expression < getVariable "description"), _i, count (BIS_missionScope getVariable "sites")] c>
    21:04:23   Error position: <BIS_missionScope getVariable "sites")] c>
    21:04:23   Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_missionscope
    21:04:23 File A3\modules_f\sites\procedures\coreInit.sqf, line 16

    and then later on minefields:

    21:04:38 Error in expression <p2]];
    _mrkrName = ("BIS_site_" + str ((BIS_missionScope getVariable "sites") fi>
    21:04:38   Error position: <BIS_missionScope getVariable "sites") fi>
    21:04:38   Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_missionscope
    21:04:38 File A3\modules_f\sites\site_inits\Military_TCP.sqf, line 39
    21:04:38 "arma3/BIS_fnc_log: [SITES] Processing Minefield (12 of scalar)"
    21:04:38 Error in expression <ssing Minefield (%1 of %2)", _i, count (BIS_missionScope getVariable "sites")] c>
    21:04:38   Error position: <BIS_missionScope getVariable "sites")] c>
    21:04:38   Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_missionscope
    21:04:38 File A3\modules_f\sites\procedures\coreInit.sqf, line 4
    21:04:38 "arma3/BIS_fnc_log: [SITES] Processing Minefield (13 of scalar)"
    21:04:38 Error in expression <ssing Minefield (%1 of %2)", _i, count (BIS_missionScope getVariable "sites")] c>
    21:04:38   Error position: <BIS_missionScope getVariable "sites")] c>
    21:04:38   Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_missionscope
    21:04:38 File A3\modules_f\sites\procedures\coreInit.sqf, line 4
    21:04:38 "arma3/BIS_fnc_log: [SITES] Processing Minefield (14 of scalar)"
    21:04:38 Error in expression <ssing Minefield (%1 of %2)", _i, count (BIS_missionScope getVariable "sites")] c>
    21:04:38   Error position: <BIS_missionScope getVariable "sites")] c>
    21:04:38   Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_missionscope
    21:04:38 File A3\modules_f\sites\procedures\coreInit.sqf, line 4
    21:04:38 "arma3/BIS_fnc_log: [SITES] Processing Minefield (15 of scalar)"

    Can i just define "sites"? If so, what is expected?


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