Spawn and sync artillery

  1. 7 years ago

    Hi, first of all I wanna point out that all the things I discovered when trying to debug were usign tools from the editor. I DÍD NOT UNPBO OR EDITED ANY OF THE FILES.

    Im editing the liberation mission in an effort to integrate ALiVE combat support module. What Im doing is adding an script to sync the vehicle when you buy it. So far I managed to create and sync units for transport and CAS usign the ALiVE_fnc_combatSupportAdd. However when trying to add an artillery piece, it doesnt work. I looked into the combatSupportAdd function usign the function bowser in game and noticed that the code related to "arty" is commented.
    My question is: is there any special reason for it to be commented?
    Since Im actually not allowed to open your code and edit it, even when this is going to be for personal use only, could you guys uncomment those lines and reupload to workshop so I can use it?

    Thanks in advance

  2. Edited 7 years ago by marceldev89

    @jettfiremachine Im editing the liberation mission in an effort to integrate ALiVE combat support module. What Im doing is adding an script to sync the vehicle when you buy it. So far I managed to create and sync units for transport and CAS usign the ALiVE_fnc_combatSupportAdd. However when trying to add an artillery piece, it doesnt work. I looked into the combatSupportAdd function usign the function bowser in game and noticed that the code related to "arty" is commented.
    My question is: is there any special reason for it to be commented?

    My best guess for it being commented out is that it just doesn't work properly.

    @jettfiremachine Since Im actually not allowed to open your code and edit it, even when this is going to be for personal use only, could you guys uncomment those lines and reupload to workshop so I can use it?

    Thanks in advance

    You're free to open, edit, break and whatever else you want to do with everything that's part of ALiVE. You can even get the unpacked source from . Redistributing your version through the workshop isn't allowed though. Don't know the specifics, I guess @Friznit can chip in on that.

    If you uncommented that ARTY bit and it works in your testing then you can create a pull request on that github page and we'll look in to including that change. :)

  3. Ok glas to hear that! I will test that right away and let you know if it works.

    What would happen if I want to integrate ALiVE to Liberation official mission which is on Steam? Will that be a problem? Or no as long as I dont change the source code

  4. Friznit

    19 Jun 2017 Administrator

    The terms of the license means you can release edited code as long as it's made clear that it's s different version and the original is attributed. For example, you could post your mission and state clearly that it is "ALiVE for Liberation, based on the original ALiVE mod by the ALiVEmod team and Liberation mission by <whoever made Liberation> with integration by jettiremachine." Basically, make it clear to everyone that you are using a custom branch of ALiVE that you will support and won't be looked after by the original ALiVE team.

  5. Edited 7 years ago by jettfiremachine

    Hey @Friznit so I've been playing around with the code but Im stuck at something...

    fn_supportAdd line 227 it says:

    [_battery,_grp,_units, units _grp] spawn _code;

    And that is giving me a generic error in expression which means it is getting an unexpected type of data... So: whats the purpose of this line? why you send those attributes? is it important even when a user can send _code as an empty string?

    Thanks for your support! :)


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