Hi there, about 7 months ago I created a topic related to event handlers and I recently just got back to the alivemod again. I've got some event handlers going and when I'm testing it on my local machine it works just fine but not when I move it over to my dedicated server on a different machine. I've tried different ways and as far as I got it to work and find what the problem is, and it something with alive that I've missed or are not understanding, because any AI's spawned from the alive modules aren't triggering the event handler, however, if I spawn an AI from Zeus it works just fine without a problem. Anyone got any ideas on how to resolve this?
description.ext (I've tried switching CAManBase to Man and All and still no change, I mean it works just fine on my local machine)
class Extended_Hit_EventHandlers { class CAManBase { hit = "_this call custom_fnc_handleHit;"; }; };
fn_handleHit.sqf (Just as a test to see if it's being triggered or not)
params ["_unit","_causedBy","_damage","_instigator"]; hint format ["Triggered\nUnit: %1\nCausedBy: %2\nInstigator: %3", name _unit, name _causedBy, name _instigator];