Server Completely Frozen at the same log entry ALiVE_sys_acemenu:

  1. 6 years ago

    Aight so I've been trying to start my server since yesterday and for some reason it keeps crashing/freezing at the same log entry all the time.

    ALiVE_sys_acemenu: ACE interact_menu not active or no interface found, exiting

    Please anyone help me, not sure if it's ACE or ALiVE I assume it's alive since it's an ALiVE_sys_acemenu

  2. I'm getting the very same error.

    ALiVE_sys_acemenu: ACE interact_menu not active or no interface found, exiting

  3. I tried to reproduce with my bug hunting mission and did not get the same result. It takes a lot more than normal with ACE and the only thing that appears in the RPT about ACE is this:

    2018/07/21, 11:14:21  ------------------ Inspection Complete -------------------- 
    2018/07/21, 11:14:21 ALiVE [m_33|210] Module ALiVE_sup_multispawn INIT COMPLETE TIME:  0.626007
    2018/07/21, 11:14:21 ALiVE [m_34|220] Module ALiVE_sys_weather INIT
    2018/07/21, 11:14:21 Weather was forced to change
    2018/07/21, 11:14:21 ALiVE [m_34|220] Module ALiVE_sys_weather INIT COMPLETE TIME:  0.109985
    2018/07/21, 11:14:21 [21737,393.68,6.7,"XEH: PostInit started. MISSIONINIT: missionName=ALIVE%20BUG%20HUNTING, missionVersion=53, worldName=Altis, isMultiplayer=true, isServer=true, isDedicated=true, CBA_isHeadlessClient=false, hasInterface=false, didJIP=false"]
    2018/07/21, 11:14:22 [21737,393.829,6.7,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, alive_main=, ace=, "]
    2018/07/21, 11:14:22 [ACE] (common) INFO: Updating ACE from [] to []
    2018/07/21, 11:14:22 [ACE] (common) INFO: ACE is version
    2018/07/21, 11:14:22 [ACE] (common) INFO: CBA is version (min required 3.6.0)
    2018/07/21, 11:14:23 CallExtension loaded: ace_break_line (D:\Games\ArmA3\A3Master\@ace\ace_break_line.dll) [ˆ2Sz´²rœ½_2¯M]
    2018/07/21, 11:14:23 Warning: 1302 ms spent in callExtension calling name: "ace_break_line", function: "version"
    2018/07/21, 11:14:23 [ACE] (common) INFO: Extension version: ace_break_line: 3.6.0-eef2bb0
    2018/07/21, 11:14:24 CallExtension loaded: ace_parse_imagepath (D:\Games\ArmA3\A3Master\@ace\ace_parse_imagepath.dll) [ˆ2Sz´²rœ½_2¯M]
    2018/07/21, 11:14:24 [ACE] (common) INFO: Extension version: ace_parse_imagepath: 3.6.0-eef2bb0
    2018/07/21, 11:14:24 [ACE] (common) INFO: Extension version: ace_medical: 3.6.0-eef2bb0
    2018/07/21, 11:14:24 CallExtension loaded: ace_clipboard (D:\Games\ArmA3\A3Master\@ace\ace_clipboard.dll) [ˆ2Sz´²rœ½_2¯M]
    2018/07/21, 11:14:24 [ACE] (common) INFO: Extension version: ace_clipboard: 3.6.0-eef2bb0
    2018/07/21, 11:14:24 CallExtension loaded: ace_fcs (D:\Games\ArmA3\A3Master\@ace\ace_fcs.dll) [ˆ2Sz´²rœ½_2¯M]
    2018/07/21, 11:14:24 [ACE] (common) INFO: Extension version: ace_fcs: 3.6.0-eef2bb0
    2018/07/21, 11:14:26 CallExtension loaded: ace_advanced_ballistics (D:\Games\ArmA3\A3Master\@ace\ace_advanced_ballistics.dll) [3.12.0-8ddde18]
    2018/07/21, 11:14:26 Warning: 1484 ms spent in callExtension calling name: "ace_advanced_ballistics", function: "version"
    2018/07/21, 11:14:26 [ACE] (common) INFO: Extension version: ace_advanced_ballistics: 3.12.0-8ddde18
    2018/07/21, 11:14:30 [21737,402.279,6.7,"XEH: PostInit finished."]
    2018/07/21, 11:14:30 Error: Object(3 : 12) not found
    2018/07/21, 11:14:30 Error: Object(3 : 13) not found
    2018/07/21, 11:14:30 Error: Object(3 : 12) not found
    2018/07/21, 11:14:30 Error: Object(3 : 13) not found
    2018/07/21, 11:14:30 [ACE] (common) TRACE: 21738 Reading missionConfigFile params: _paramsArray=[] z\ace\addons\common\functions\fnc_readSettingsFromParamsArray.sqf:23
    2018/07/21, 11:14:30 [ACE] (common) INFO: Settings initialized.
    2018/07/21, 11:14:30 [ACE] (common) INFO: 41 delayed functions running.
    2018/07/21, 11:14:30 ALiVE_sys_acemenu: ACE interact_menu not active or no interface found, exiting
    2018/07/21, 11:14:34 ALiVE [m_24|190] Module ALiVE_mil_logistics INIT COMPLETE TIME:  22.865
    2018/07/21, 11:14:34 ALiVE [m_25|190] Module ALiVE_mil_logistics INIT COMPLETE TIME:  22.865
    2018/07/21, 11:14:39 ALiVE [m_22|190] Module ALiVE_mil_ato INIT COMPLETE TIME:  28.097
    2018/07/21, 11:14:42 ALiVE [m_20|190] Module ALiVE_mil_ato INIT COMPLETE TIME:  30.942
    2018/07/21, 11:15:30 ALiVE AI Distributor detected no HCs, idling for 60 seconds.
    2018/07/21, 11:15:36 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" started.
    2018/07/21, 11:15:36 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" finished successfully.
    2018/07/21, 11:15:52 ALIVE PLAYER TASK REQUEST ["EAST","OPF_F","CaptureObjective",[],"OPCOM",true]

    Maybe it's a problem with ACE...

  4. I have a hard time believing this is caused by ALiVE_sys_acemenu, since its not even loading.

    The ALiVE_sys_acemenu: ACE interact_menu not active or no interface found, exiting message is expected in the server logs, since it doesn't have an interface. And loading continues normally after that.