ALiVE Spawned unit setting over 1000 waypoints

  1. 6 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by Nichols

    @Tupolov @Friznit @AUTigerGrad @HeroesandvillainsOS @SavageCDN

    Have any of you guys ever seen a unit set themselves over 1,000 waypoints (still climbing BTW and server is choking to death). We saw this last weekend and one unit set itself over 13,000 waypoints and brought the server to its knees begging for forgiveness. We had 10 players on the box then. Today I am on our test box checking something and found 1 unit that spawned in via ALiVE and its setting waypoints continuously. Obviously there is a conflict somewhere with the code but I am not sure where to find it or how to eliminate it. Having used VCOM with missions for almost 2 years now this is the first time I have seen this happen but I am not sure its VCOM as nothing is in combat; I am running Fen_A3 for limited items but this unit was spawned in via ALiVE.

    Dropbox link for RPT of mission on server.

    What it looked like in the beginning.

    Over 2,000 waypoints?!?!?!

  2. Issue now open on GitHub.

  3. Only time I've seen crazy waypoint issues has been when I turned on the new experimental pathing on our current Sangin mission.

    The OPCOM then started ordering units back and forth from one side of the map to the other, over and over again. I assume he thought the units were unfit and was making them run 5k shuttles :)


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