I get a script error on the map Zargabad (CUP) and it seems to appear if I have a TAOR marker specified (white- or blacklist) in a Military Placement Module, however If I leave the TAOR field blank so it covers the entire map the error does not appear.
Anything I have missed? The map did not appear in the google doc over indexed maps, however it seemed to exist on the github so as far as I know it should be fine.
ALiVE 0 : 575.123 - MP - Startup ALiVE 0 : 575.123 - [TIMER STARTED] ALiVE 0 : 576.079 - Warning: This version of ALiVE is build for A3 version: 206.148470. The server is running version: 208.149102. Please contact your server administrator and update to the latest ALiVE release version. 3:19:58 Error in expression < = getpos _object}; }; _objectPosition inArea _marker;> Error position: <inArea _marker;> Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected File x\alive\addons\x_lib\functions\markers\fnc_inArea.sqf..., line 41 ALiVE 0 : 576.086 - MP OPF_F - Startup completed
Full log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/107vngzfs8l3q4n/Arma3_log.rpt?dl=0
Test mission (CBA, ALIVE, CUP MAPS, CUP Terrain): https://www.dropbox.com/s/2ldw8xlryk0171d/aliveDebugMission.zargabad.zip?dl=0
Thank you for a great mod and hope you are able to see what is happening!