Air unit placement is all wrong

  1. 10 years ago

    At Selakano airfield the helicopter unit spawned by the Military Placement is placed against an industrial shed and blows up immediately. Also had a couple of helicopters spawn under power lines to the west of there. Adjusting the size or position of the marker area didn't help.

  2. GunnyDev

    24 Feb 2015 Administrator

    We will look into this, seems as though the BIS_fnc_SafePos is fubard.


  3. 9 years ago

    Just started with ALiVE yesterday, fantastic mod, this is the only way i've played since the OFP days, but was previously using basic spawn scripts... this is SO much better..!

    But i'm having the same problem mentioned above..

    I began with the tutorial mission, and set up a base to defend at Camp Maxwell on Stratis. On mission start, a helicopter spawns onto rocks on the SE side of the base, exploding. Sometimes two at a time. Other times, just a paratrooper spawns, harmlessly.

    Unable to use the mission three out of five times, i tried moving the base to the main airport instead, but now the choppers spawn inches from the control tower and each mission again starts with a bang..

    Only other mods running are CBA and Mao's sway fix.

  4. I've had times where I've had to be very careful where I was placing my combat support (CAS/Transport modules) too.

    Pretty much I'm just being super careful now when I'm picking my FOB's, that I have plenty of room with absolutely no objects near by. If that's not possible I go into the Empty Units drop down and build my own base.

  5. If it is a CAS chopper try adjusting the module position slightly to avoid any collisions with objects. If it's not a CAS unit and ALiVE is just spawning an ambient chopper there I'm not sure what can be done about it (is this a helipad location?)

  6. I've seen the same thing, it seems like the placement module is using the wrong (or just less than ideal) position in some clusters to place some vehicles occasionally. I've noticed this a lot on Altis.

  7. They used to work just fine, maybe a BI update changed something to offset them.


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