Ambient vehicle spawn linked to number of civilians?

  1. 10 years ago

    I was searching yesterday for a script that'll spawn vehicles of my choosing in random locations all over the map.

    Then I remembered ALiVE has ambient vehicle spawn as part of Mil Obj and Civilian modules. However, I dont want civilians to spawn at all.

    After some testing it seemed that the vehicles do not spawn unless there is a number of civilians also spawned. MY testing wasnt exactly scientific, so I may be wrong, but if a dev could confirm Id appreciate it.

    Still need to spawn them vehicles without civilians sigh.

  2. ARJay

    26 Feb 2015 Administrator

    Yep ambient civ vehicles are tied to civilian agents.

  3. Found out that only one civilian needs to be spawned (either virtually or visible) to populate entire map (or TAOR) with vehicles. Sweet.


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