Blacklist Ignored

  1. 8 years ago

    So I'm having some trouble with my blacklist. I have followed the instructions in the wiki, and I know this has occured for other people in the past. I am using the staticData.sqf method.

    If I put the blacklist into an Alive module init field, it does work. However, the blacklist is a bit long to go into an init field.

    if !(isserver) exitWith {};
    waitUntil {!isnil "ALiVE_STATIC_DATA_LOADED"};
    // C2ISTAR Tasks
    ALiVE_autoGeneratedTasks = ["MilAssault","CivAssault","Assassination","DestroyInfantry","SabotageBuilding"];
    [ALIVE_factionDefaultAirTransport, "BLU_T_F", ["B_Heli_Transport_03_F"]] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
    // NATO
    // CSAT
    // AAF

    I know the staticData.sqf is being loaded, because the C2ISTAR tasks are set, and the faction transport helicopter change also works. Is the blacklist just too long? I don't get any errors when loading the mission, and I originally did when I was missing a comma here and there.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Pretty sure this can be run just from a StaticData.sqf file, initiated from the init.sqf. I don't think you'd need to do anything with module Init lines.

  3. Deleted 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS
  4. Don't see anything wrong with it tbh, try executing the file from the module init line.

  5. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I'm sort of having a hard time telling if he's trying both the module init and static data together at the same time or by trial and error separately.

  6. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    He tried both, module init worked, but there isn't enough room to display the blacklist so he is now trying the file approach, which isn't working.

  7. Spyder is correct. So you're saying trying to run the script from the Alive required module unit field?

  8. yes, as in

    execVM "script.sqf"

    where script.sqf is filled with your above code

  9. Negative, 0=execVM "staticdata.sqf" doesn't work, nor does 1=execVM "staticData.sqf"

    Oh well, for now just typing in the blacklist works, just hard to modify/see it in the init block.

    Follow up. If I have a blacklist in a placement module, does it apply to all placement modules or just that one? For example, have a TAOR with blacklisted artillery pieces, but another TAOR where they are not blacklisted?

  10. When you run put it in a modules init line it just means the code runs when the module initializes, so it should apply to all.

  11. Ok thanks. Is there any way to do something like that? Blacklist certain units from spawning from certain areas? Just curious

  12. Probably not.


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