N'Ziwasogo Mission request

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    If anyone has anything on this map that seems to work ok for you, would you mind sharing it? I see it has been reindexed and now I'm drooling for something on there, but my motivation to build anything new is small right now (that's all I've been doing for months).

    If anyone wants to make one now that it's been reindexed, Project OPFOR released incredible Boko Haram units too (would be awesome for counter insurgency ops. The map is a blast too with huge cities, dense jungle and even has some water inland which could be utilized for boat patrols).

    I had one but I haven't opened it in probably 6+ months, or maybe even before Apex, so I think the chances are slim that I would even open. :(

    I'll probably do this if no one has one but figured it couldn't hurt to ask! Even if it's simple with just a base I can build off of that would be fine too.

  2. I think I still have one from long ago when the map was first indexed but it's probably way out of date now.. I'll take a look tonight.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Yeah that's the same situation I'm in. I'm too nervous to even try loading mine and I think the PBO is dated June. Lol. Gotta love platform updates breaking everything.

    If it loads up that would be sweet! Thanks man but no worries if it doesn't. I appreciate it either way!

  4. How's the Book Haram faction working with AliVE? Is it set up right? If not, I'll do some Orbatration.

  5. @ski2060 - would accuracy be up for sharing a N'Ziwasogo mission with @HeroesandvillainsOS or is it too early doors for that?

  6. Hey thanks for the request @incontinenetia to Ski and the Accuracy team!! :)

    No, unfortunately Boko Haram doesn't appear to be configured correctly. I just tried it. I find this odd because all the other ones from PO that I've tried work but no, LOP_BH doesn't appear to work.

    I need to test the African civs now too I think!

  7. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Ok, so I did try to load my ancient mission yesterday. And strangely, it loaded!!! But wow, I'm getting errors up the wahzoo! Even basic stuff from the new 3CB tropical faction not being able to find some RDS LDS model when clicking save mission in the editor. It's a horror show lol.

    So I realize this is probably an unfair assessment, but when clicking play with ALiVE and N'Ziwasogo, I do still get this remarkably long and fragmented mission initalization. The loading screen shows up several times and my screen hangs and it still *feels* like I'm going to crash (though with 3 attempts I did not crash which I guess is progress for this map! :) ).

    Are you guys seeing this too when pressing play on a mission? It's the only map that's ever done this to me.

    I'll likely try building a fresh one, at least to test. There's no sense in going hardcore on it if the map still crashes on initialization like it always did.

  8. Yeah the mission I had doesn't even load sorry.... try a fresh mission with just player, alive required, etc and see if it loads.

  9. N'Ziwasogo loads fine for me on my missions but....if you are using ALiVE and populating the whole map it takes fooooooooooorever to load in. Once everything is loaded in though, it runs pretty damn well.

    I created a mission with my CUP African Factions on it just for the heck of it and it works great. But man does it take a long time to load into it. It is a huge map of course.

    I'm REALLY hoping for more African themed maps from the community. I enjoy Afghanistan and Iraq maps as much as the next guy...but African conflicts are a favorite of mine and I'd love to see more Jungle and Savannah style African maps created by the ARMA community.

  10. @AUTigerGrad I'd take a look at that mission if you feel like sharing. Can't ask for anything better than getting the best from the best. :) No hurry if you're still working on it, I can wait.

    Doesn't bother me if it was just a simple test either. If it has a semi-built up base, that's all I need as it will give me several days of my life back, playing rather than editing lol.

  11. I'll see about cleaning it up and posting it. I've got a backlog of old missions I need to update.

  12. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    When AuTigerGrads wants to flesh something out, a smart man waits patiently. It's always worth it. :)

    Thanks dude.

    One amazing thing I love about N'Ziwasogo is how you can be patrolling a dense as hell jungle and suddenly the trees show you a path to the most glorious and enormous city you've ever seen! Incredible! Such a great map.

  13. @incontinenetia Sorry, been busy last few days with life stuffs. I'll ask ATV about sharing his mission.
    I don't think he would care.
    His stuff is not ALiVE based though. He likes to use Zenophon and Enigma's scripting frameworks for all of his missions.
    It wouldn't be hard to add ALiVE to run stuff in the background though if you like the storyline and missions of the main line.

  14. No worries dude! Thank you anyway.

  15. @HeroesandvillainsOS  let me talk to the guy that did our mission last summer on that map and I will see if he will let me pass it over to you to play with. Its different than what @AUTigerGrad and his guys do for sure.

  16. @Nichols @HeroesandvillainsOS  let me talk to the guy that did our mission last summer on that map and I will see if he will let me pass it over to you to play with. Its different than what @AUTigerGrad and his guys do for sure.

    Sweet! I appreciate. Though fair warning, my mission on that map from last summer is FULL of errors. But yeah man, if he's kept up on it I'd love to check it out.

    Thanks so much.

  17. Edited 8 years ago by Nichols

    @HeroesandvillainsOS I am Waiting on hear back now. Should have something in the next day or so.

  18. Sweet. I appreciate you asking. :)


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