Conventional warfare with insurgency

  1. 8 years ago

    I tried making a mission on reshmaan with takistani armed forces as occupying, us army d as invading and islamic state as assymetric against both forces. Us army being the player side. I wonder if the map is to big to employ this strategy. I had all kinds of issues with it and once it went onto the server last night it took forever to initialize and spawn everything like hours. Im unsure if reshmaan is too big and if that force setup is too ambitious with three factions. It might work if i had a dedicated home built server but i realize that it could suck with a rented virtual one. I am considering making assymetric only hostile towards us army, and not spawning encampments. I didnt want to place any manually because i didnt want to know where they were. Also not sure about the map being optimized either. I would like some dense fighting but if understand its a hard task to accomplish in alive often times.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Reshmaan is a big map, but it's relatively light on objects (all things considered) and should be fine for a map-wide battle. ALiVE will virtualize units outside of your set Virtual AI spawn distance, so don't worry there. You may need to par back the overall objectives a bit using the mil/civ obj module filtering and force sizes (you'll get a warning on mission start if any commander has more than 80. Try to keep it below 120), and be mindful of CQB settings, but for me performance on Reshmaan is astounding. One of the best performing maps in the game IMO.

    I'm guessing what's going on is you're having an issue with RHS rpt spam which is caused by a bug that is fixed in the ALiVE dev build. You may want to give that a try and see if it fixes your problem.

    You can find it in the ALiVE thread on BIS forums if you want to test it and see.

  3. I think a big problem i run into is there isnt enough mil objectives or significant ones placed, enemies are sparse and i do have the random camps spawned throughout the entire AO minus my little corner blu force spot. Assymetric i was only going to place for a civ objectives and last minute decided to place mil with no filter. I did have around 120 objextives and that may be where i ran into problems. I should probably make assymetric only attack blu force or hostile towards blu f

  4. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    The index does a pretty good job of picking up all the towns and villages IMO. Though trust me, I can sympathize with the difficulties of making a HUGE map feel well populated, but at the same time not have a crazy amount of objectives.

    One thing to consider is, the Assymetric commander will probably grow in strength and numbers as they establish their civ recruitment centers. Obviously, that really depends on how you set it up and how many active players the mission has, but my advice is to not judge the initial Assymetric spawns too closely. Test it over an hour or two and see how they move around. The traditional commander can also fill in the gaps for you while the insurgent commander grows.

    Don't underestimate the usefulness of military objectives. I started indexing maps recently and reinforced the idea that "military objects" can spawn just about anywhere, and not ONLY in what one would assume are military places (bases, etc). Some civilian towns will have military objects on most maps, and the military obj module will pick these up (you can see this when debugging the obj modules).

    To fill in the gaps, I do tend to make my own custom objectives. I know this can spoil things a bit as the mission maker, but after you place a few, if you're like me, it's easy to forget where you put em. :)

    If you want to see a mission on Reshmaan, I have one. I don't pretend it's perfect or anything but I have a good time:

  5. Is this the version of Reshmaan?
    Does it still require "mad build" ? Or does it work with CUP?

  6. its on steam. under reshmaan province with the fixes in there. I don't know if indexing was properly done. I kindo of wish it had more

  7. We have done a few Reshmaan deployments and you need to be pretty heavy on the custom objectives list due to the limited options they have built into the map. It makes for a pretty interesting setup when done right.

  8. @SPC halfbreed its on steam. under reshmaan province with the fixes in there. I don't know if indexing was properly done. I kindo of wish it had more

    Please use the Armaholic link.

  9. @JD_Wang Is this the version of Reshmaan?
    Does it still require "mad build" ? Or does it work with CUP?

    Yes it still requires Mad Build, and all the CUP Terrains including CWA.

  10. Thanks, downloaded it last night and had a look in the editor. Does it have a very washed out/hazy look for you guys?

  11. It's certainly not as pretty as it was before the engine lighting update, if that's what you're asking. But no map really is.

    Maybe you can post a screenshot?

  12. It's very bright sunlight from the new Visual settings. It causes it to look washed out.


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