Oh haha yeah I get it now. :) Wow. I'm pretty dense. :(
@highhead (who is not @marceldev89), that makes a lot of sense. I can say with certainty this is a new error regarding 1.68. Even testing the RC briefly on 1.66 didn't make this error appear on my end. It was only when updating my platform that I started to see it (perhaps it's even 64-bit related. I never tried 64-bit before it went live).
But yeah, I agree it the error seems harmless. I am noticing a lot of new script errors along with this one though, which I'm going to do my best at isolating later. I was flying a chopper around CLAFGHAN and it was error spam central, but I was using RHS/PO so I'll see what happens when I take some NATO out for a ride.
And thanks for all the help guys. I really appreciate it.
@HeroesandvillainsOS Relay this to Keeway
Check if the function is not nil first
if (!isnil "ALiVE_fnc_isModuleAvailable" && {Check if modules are available here})
@SpyderBlack723 @HeroesandvillainsOS Relay this to Keeway
Check if the function is not nil first
if (!isnil "ALiVE_fnc_isModuleAvailable" && {Check if modules are available here})
Forwarded. Thanks Spyder.