AI triggering Enemy/Virtual forces

  1. 7 years ago


    This may seem like a very dumb question, but please bear with....

    a.) I know that a player or a UAV triggers the AI to spawn around them at a set distance and a limited number. No problem.

    b.) Is there a way that you can have them trigger around a friendly AI entity? EG: I have a mission where I capture AI enemy. I take them back to my base, put them in the cage, and as soon as I am gone .... so are they!

    c.) I am aware that I may be asking a lot and this falls outside the intended use of the application, but I am curious to explore this.

    Many thanks in advance.

  2. Can you not just use editor placed ai enemy, that are not going to profile ?

  3. Edited 7 years ago by Kipod

    Duke_161 - probably but can you explain how I would do that? - as in how would they trigger the ALiVE AI.

  4. Ok I think I slightly misunderstood your question. I'm not sure that it's actually possible (I doubt it very much) to have ai trigger/spawn other ai units. But I could be wrong.

    What you would usually do in this circumstance is ensure that the units you don't want to profile (disappear from the map) i.e. the one's you put in your cage are editor placed. It then depends on how you have the virtual AI module is set up. If its 'virtualize synced units' then you sync the group leader of each group or individual unit to the virtual AI module. Or if you've set it up to 'virtualize all editor placed units except synced units' , place the group/individual unit and don't sync the group at all.

    This would mean, in a manner of speaking, that these units are not actually being controlled by alive and are simply editor placed units. Therefore, they won't 'disappear'.

  5. Duke_161. Many thanks.

    I'm trying to see if I can AI to "mimic" players in some way so as the AI spawns around them, but I'm not sure how that's done. They spawn around UAVs, so maybe I should leave a "live" UAV near the cage? Not perfect but...

    Any ideas welcome.

  6. I think the only way would be to not virtualize the captured AI unit or leave a UAV within spawn range of the cage.


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