need some help with civillian modules

  1. 9 years ago

    I need some help ,

    I made a mission with civillian modules, it works fine.

    one problem

    when i load up the mission and want to play it, when i am in the area the civillians spawn in and i look at my map i see a ugly big green circel with little green dots in it. It kill my mood. so please anyone
    how do i remove the green circel with green dots in it?

    yes i use markers to show alive where to place AI (civillians)

  2. Did you turn on debug for that module?

  3. Yep as Osiris stated, you have debug turned on in one of the modules, disable it for both of the modules for a clean map.

  4. It's because the modules you have in debug are spawning those markers in.


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