I'm struggling to see why this fails. Can anyone see the obvious issue at hand?
In description.ext at the bottom:
class Extended_Init_EventHandlers { class Man { init = "_this call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'civInit.sqf')"; }; };
private "_civ"; _civ = _this select 0; if ((side _civ == Civilian) and (!isPlayer _civ)) then { _civ addEventHandler ["Killed", { _unit = (_this select 0); _killer = (_this select 1); if (isPlayer _killer) then { _id = format ["civID%1", _unit]; _text = format ["%1 killed %2", name _killer, name _unit]; _marker = createMarker [_id, getPosASL _unit]; _marker setMarkerShape "ICON"; _marker setMarkerType "hd_warning"; _marker setMarketText _text; _marker setMarkerColor "colorRed"; _marker setMarkerAlpha 0.5; _currentReinforcementCount = ([ALIVE_globalForcePool, "OPF_G_F"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet); [ALIVE_globalForcePool, "OPF_G_F", (_currentReinforcementCount + 5)] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet; }; }]; };
Can't figure out why it's not firing.