Chernarus index seems broken for regular/summer/winter

  1. 5 years ago

    Chernarus used to work with civilian objectives, but now it seems like something is wrong. When I set civilian placement to extreme and no filter for anything only like 20 civs spawn across all of Chernarus. In Chernogorsk only two or three civs will spawn in the entire city. In some cities such as Stary Sobor I believe no civs will spawn whatsoever. It seems like the vast majority of civ houses aren't recognized. It didn't used to be this way. Every other map works fine. Will this be fixed at some point?

  2. Hey this is probably related to the fact that we require enterable buildings for civ spawns. These versions of Chernarus don’t really have many open buildings. This might be why?

  3. @HeroesandvillainsOS Hey this is probably related to the fact that we require enterable buildings for civ spawns. These versions of Chernarus don’t really have many open buildings. This might be why?

    The thing is it used to work fine until a month or two ago. Also other maps that used the same exact buildings, such as Beketov, have properly spawning civilians/civ locations.


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