My OPCOMs don't want to do anything!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 5 years ago

    Hm... Maybe some lag on the profiles issue? Have encountered this issue before but it was mostly cause some enemies were unconsious or the vehicles that were spawn with them were NOT destroyed! I recommend to keep testing about it cause saving-exiting-loading is not really nice!

    I almost always use pathfinding and my biggest concern was the processing power that it will cost but I believe that Spyder said that it won't really have an impact on performance! Tbh here, I have NOT a server these days so I Local Host testing all my missions and this make lag and FPS things a huge issue as my PC is not a real beast! Anyway, I highly recommend keep testing! Also, I believe that ALiVE missions are playable pretty early on stage of their development and all you actually need to spend time on is some balancing issues (mostly to experiment with OPCOM forces on each map depending on your needs for the mission). And last but not least keep in mind that ALiVE is just one mod, it is not able to make a whole RL like mission for you and your unit to play with. It is an AMAZING mod but you should take part of its work on your hands and set some tasks/mission, maybe RP some things (like patroling, searching and clearing towns from insurgents and their installations, take care NOT to kill civs etc.), script many things (like side or even main missions) (there is a whole section on ALiVE wiki about it) and just remember to enjoy every firefight.

    Actually I use ALiVE to mainly populate the map and maybe set up a whole situation that I may or may not involve with. So, I use it mostly for the parts that handles AIs and not that much for the player's side features if you can understand what I mean.

  3. Deleted 5 years ago by arismagic
  4. running now with pathfinding. pretty nice trail of waypoints. i also run on local, and anything above 20FPS is smooth for me....

    i wish i have that level of script skill, but for now i just try to use alive to create scenarios where i can role play and have some nice unexpected encouters. always hope someone would publish some alive based missions with scripted macro game mode, win/lose condition and main or side missions. but seems most just keep those missions to their units..


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