Complete Index of Rosche, Germany

  1. 4 years ago

    Here it is.

    Thanks to Husky and Lewis for helping me work out the bugs and crashes.

  2. Awesome thank you so much, I just realised the index was FUBAR and was hoping someone had made a new one <3

  3. Thanks. Pulled into ALiVE. :)

  4. @JerkinMerkin something is not correct indexed. Something with the high of terrain. AI Support Air Insertation with Vehicles for example. They drop the vehicles in high of 20 Meter. Vehicles explode on ground.

    And in the middle of Rosche you have one big Objective. This objective is bigger than the whole map.
    Can you please have a look at this. Maybe correct that index part, please.


  5. @JerkinMerkin something is not correct indexed. Something with the high of terrain. AI Support Air Insertation with Vehicles for example. They drop the vehicles in high of 20 Meter. Vehicles explode on ground.

    And in the middle of Rosche you have one big Objective. This objective is bigger than the whole map.
    Can you please have a look at this. Maybe correct that index part, please.



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