question on Asymetric warfare

  1. 9 years ago

    forgive me if this is already been asked but im wondering when setting up asymetric scenario i use the web u gave me however do i need to sync the insurgent commander to my BLU_F commander or just BLU_F Placements, if someone can give me a quick rundown id appreciate it

  2. and also am i reading it right that insurgents shoudnt be synced to virtual ai

  3. the Virtual AI module doesn't need to sync to anything unless you place units down in the editor then you can sync those to the Virtual AI module and they will be "virtualized" when you are not within range.

  4. so it automatically virtualises the placement modules ? and also ref asymetric commander does he need to be synced to the enemys placements

  5. and thanks for reply

  6. Also, syncing the commanders together will make them aware of each other and so the commanders will fight each other. So this up to you what you want them to do. As for the military placement modules, you need to sync those to the appropriate Military AI commanders. Doing this will make them aware of those areas and will also give control to the Military AI commander the units that spawn there.

  7. Syncing enemy placement modules to the opposite Military AI commander will let that commander know about those enemy positions. Depending on what the settings are for the Military AI Commander module he can choose to attack those positions or not.

  8. ok im beggining to understand now, i apoligise for the hassle im looking at building a mission with insurgancy style play, atm i have my friendly ai set to occupation and the 2 commanders synced to each other,,, im looking for the sort of scenario where blue for are occupying and patrolling areas and the insurgancy hassle them any suggestions of a particular set up

  9. Sounds like you got the right idea so far. Don't forget to use the Military CQB module. This will ensure a good insurgency as units will spawn in buildings as well.

  10. and also since im using chernarus with majority civ spawn locations i have taor set up to stop blu and ins spawning next to each other but ive read that this will restrict what the commanders do , is this true ?

  11. I don't think so. I don't think this should effect the commanders in any way. They should still fight each other without any restrictions.

  12. Just to clear up, make sure you are syncing AI Commander modules to placement modules, not to other AI Commander modules.

    ie: Sync your blufor AI Comm module to the opfor placement modules to have blufor attack opfor positions. Sync opfor AI Comm module to blufor placement modules to have opfor attack blufor positions.


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