One of my group's favorite missions used to be DUWS. When we discussed the features that we liked, one that came up was the desire to know "the score" so to speak. In DUWS you're always aware of the current CP available to your team. When objective is taken, there's an update given to all the players, as well as whenever it "ticks". On the wiki I saw this snippet:
_currentBLUFORForcepool = [ALIVE_globalForcePool,"BLU_F"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet;
Is there a mod feature to display this on the Player Combat Logistics GUI, or a way to announce it on major updates? Currently the players' requests can be drops in the bucket, more than available, or near the entirety of the reserves. Since the player has to do this request blind, and the large lead-time before the troops arrive, the players have no concept of the "weight" of their request. This would be like shopping, but without knowing how much is in your wallet prior to checkout.