TAOR Question

  1. 9 years ago

    I am making a mission based on Grubes excellent tutorial. In my mission, I want to have a small Blufor presence on the island off the North West of Panthera. I want this island to be secure and to act as a play base and safe area. I want to have BluFor and Opfor Fight it out for the airfield on the Northern Mainland of Panthera. I want the rest of panthera to be fully occupied by Opfor. This is my TAOR set up. Blufor Opcom is set to invasion, opfor Opcom is set to occupation.


    Using this configuration, I am getting Opfor units spawning on the North West Island, which i do not want, even though that area is not in their TAOR. Can anyone recommend how I should best configure my mission to reflect the situation I have described above? Any advice would be appreciated.

    Aside: The premise of my mission is that a small USMC squad will conduct black ops behind enemy lines, using hit and run tactics to inflict damage on larger formations, and then fading away before they are properly engaged. Lots of HVT target destruction and Destroy The Vehicle type stuff.

  2. From your picture...you have some of the Northwest Island with Opfor area bleeding onto it.

    Shorten your zone up there to keep it completely devoid of Opfor presence.

  3. Sorry, I should have explained. The Opfor TAORs are shown as Red, the Bluefor TAOR is shown as blue. The Red Opfor TAOR does not touch the North west island, but Opfor units still spawn there. There is an overlap between the BluFor and Opfor TAORs, but not on the North West Island.

  4. From that picture that I'm seeing, there is a part of one of your red Opfor zones overlapping the Northwest Island. Not a lot...but it's there.

  5. The easiest way is probably to just cover the top left island with another marker and make it a blacklist where OPFOR cannot spawn.

  6. Edited 9 years ago by PillowTalk

    I am having the same issue, but my markers are *not* overlapping where I am having issues:


    The trouble area is the single BLUFOR marker. For some reason, even though the objective placement is for BLUFOR's HQ it not only spawns random enemy patrols there, it populates the HQ with OPFOR equipment and vehicles. OPFOR isn't even set to know about that objective.

  7. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    If you haven't already, I'd try the same thing I posted above. Make the BLUFOR TAOR a blacklist to prevent OPFOR from spawning there. There's an overlapping objective somewhere and blacklisting the area will stop it.

  8. I would make the northern most TAOR for OPFOR only about 1km thick. They will still venture out of the area but they will not spawn on either island. The only one that I see them even possibly spawning on right now is the top right island (Northeast) island in the picture you posted. However with the close proximity of the TAOR on the top left (Northwest) island they might be able to spawn there just because the areas are close.

  9. Edited 9 years ago by PillowTalk

    I just redid my markers since, for my mission, it seemed easier to just cover the map with one giant occupation marker, then make a couple smaller ones for blacklisting. Works fine now in the BLUFOR area; for some reason, though, it's still spawning OPFOR in the IND zone. Either that or my IND forces are just spawning as OPFOR; hard to tell since only IND is set up to create roadblocks, and that's what OPFOR is doing in their zone: Creating roadblocks everywhere.

    EDIT: I think my problem may be a bit more than just a marker related thing. It seems to think CUP's US ARMY and USMC forces are CSAT. As soon as I put them back into the faction list for my BLUFOR commander and placement modules, CSAT spawns instead; not even the CUP variants, either. I think one of them is missing definitions for their groups and it's probably the same with NAPA. Oh well.

  10. @AUTigerGrad From that picture that I'm seeing, there is a part of one of your red Opfor zones overlapping the Northwest Island. Not a lot...but it's there.

    I'm a dumbass. Northeast was overlapping not NW. Apologies.

  11. Thanks for the advice gents. No drama AUTigerGrad, I have lost count of the times I told my squad to go northeast when I meant northwest!


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