I am making a mission based on Grubes excellent tutorial. In my mission, I want to have a small Blufor presence on the island off the North West of Panthera. I want this island to be secure and to act as a play base and safe area. I want to have BluFor and Opfor Fight it out for the airfield on the Northern Mainland of Panthera. I want the rest of panthera to be fully occupied by Opfor. This is my TAOR set up. Blufor Opcom is set to invasion, opfor Opcom is set to occupation.
Using this configuration, I am getting Opfor units spawning on the North West Island, which i do not want, even though that area is not in their TAOR. Can anyone recommend how I should best configure my mission to reflect the situation I have described above? Any advice would be appreciated.
Aside: The premise of my mission is that a small USMC squad will conduct black ops behind enemy lines, using hit and run tactics to inflict damage on larger formations, and then fading away before they are properly engaged. Lots of HVT target destruction and Destroy The Vehicle type stuff.