Interesting. So I take it the enemies spawning near the "objectives only" civ module must actually be coming from a different module then. Because either way I did it, enemies spawned at the exact same gas station (which is right where the module is) both times.
But the module still allows me to select the platoon/company size. Hmmm. Maybe in the next release you guys could have that option to select platoon/company sizes greyed out when objectives only is selected considering no units can spawn?
Anyway, I have a mission going on Reshmaan with a VERY BIG city that unfortunately only has a couple objects ALiVE can interact with. And also unfortunately civilians can't spawn there at all. It also happens to be the first city the player would likely encounter which unless I set up things very smartly, can make the first leg of the mission feel very "slow" if unpopulated. I don't want to leave a bad first impression.
I was actually hoping "objectives only" would force ALiVE to place IED and weapons factories there to give the player something do do right off the bat. Now that I know what objectives only means, I'm wondering if I can use this to my advantage. You know, make this dead city matter. Perhaps I can leave one OPFOR module at objectives only, place another OPFOR module to units only, and also sync my BLUFOR and OPFOR OPCOM to the objective and watch both sides make this city an important one to control! That would leave a VERY GOOD first impression. :)
Decisions decisions. Thanks for the breakdown!