ALIVE persistance problems

  1. 9 years ago


    since yesterday, iam trying to host a server with alive persistence on. Some things like ammo crates that ive interacted with get properly saved. Others, like vehicles that ive driven around or TRACE squares from CQB dont.

    Iam using RHS though the vehicle persistence doesnt work for vanilla vehicles either.

  2. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    TRACE squares aren't meant to persist, there's been a lot of reports regarding vehicles not persisting though.

  3. Have you got your settings set to "virtualise all editor placed units except synced units" in the Virtual AI System module? This stopped some things persisting for me, all fixed when I changed it to "virtualise only synced units".

  4. @incontinenetia Have you got your settings set to "virtualise all editor placed units except synced units" in the Virtual AI System module? This stopped some things persisting for me, all fixed when I changed it to "virtualise only synced units".


    It 100% fixed my problem with vehicles persisting.


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