How to set auto rearm?

  1. 9 years ago

    Some of the (incredible) ALiVE missions I've been playing occasionally have some radio chatter stating that some of my virtualized units (I think?) and transport/CAS choppers have rearmed. Is this something that ALiVE handles automatically or is there a module setting I need to look at?

    I'm assuming if it is something I need to manually add or adjust, the same would be true for OPFOR too except the radio chatter would be hidden from me?

  2. Are you using RHS?

  3. I believe CAS units are re-armed/re-fueled each time they land back at their original takeoff point (it's automatic). Yes you will only see those messages for your side (or maybe it's faction can't recall).

  4. I know RHS has radio chatter in helicopters, I thought that was what he was referring too?

  5. Since he stated transport/CAS choppers I assume he meant sidechat text, which yes, will showup whenever combat support units RTB and rearm.

  6. Yes I am using RHS as BLUFOR and CAF Ag as OPFOR.

    So all this is handled by ALiVE automatically for both sides?

  7. It only works for combat support units, which are only usable with a single module (meaning only one side). But yes, that's handles automatically when they RTB.

  8. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    How can I set up an auto-rearm for non-logistics vehicles? Like the ones I drive around and patrol in, such as the 3CB Coyote or Jackal. Is there a way to do this with ALiVE itself? Or sorry if not and this goes OT, but is there a way to set up a resupply station through any of the game modules? It just dawned on me last night that the vehicles I patrol in surly don't have infinite ammo.

    Or do they rearm automatically on mission continue?

  9. No function in ALiVE for this but there are a lot of scripts out there:

  10. Wow that sounds powerful and easy to use. Does it know which ammo to replenish vehicles with by default? What kind of magic script is this? :)

  11. Edited 9 years ago by DaVidoSS

    You do not need any script for that.
    Just place a trigger

    activationby ANY

    this && ((getPos (thisList select 0)) select 2 < 1)

    On act:

    (thisList select 0) setVehicleAmmo 1;

    Create any arrangements around the trigger in editor and if you drive or land there the vehicle will be rearmed.

  12. Edited 9 years ago by SavageCDN

    Yes it will detect the ammo type and resupply for all vehicle weapons (turrets, etc). Works for choppers too you just need to change the trigger condition (instructions in the d/l). You can also adjust the speed at which it repairs/rearms/refuels. I've tried lots of these types of scripts and this one is the best.

    @DaVidoSS - the problem with that is you'd need to add lines for repair and refuel (which is easy yes)... and that method is an 'instant' repair whereas the script I linked you can set the individual repair/refuel/rearm times. It will also do a check to make sure the engine is off on the vehicle to be serviced.

  13. Can CAS and Transport vehicles synced to the combat support module permanently be destroyed, say if they got shot down with an RPG or something?

  14. You can set the # of respawns for CAS/Trans/Arty in the support module - so set to 0 to have a particular type not respawn.

  15. Oh ok!!! Wow I totally misread that as rearms and not respawns. I already have them set to 9999999999 so I think I'm good with them never being fully destroyed (which is what I want ATM).


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