How to add AI to squad with group manager and combat logistics

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by amoksepp

    Hiho community,
    i hope someone can help me.
    when i order units with the combat logistic module, how is it possible to add them to my squad ? I mean when i ask for 2 AT guys and they arrive at the destination i cant add them to my squad, but in this case they are useless for me :D. I can leave my own squad, join their squad and take lead, but thats not what i want^^
    The group manager menu doesnt show anything.
    I play with ASR_AI3, ACE and Alive.
    ASR should merge groups with 2 or less people to the next aviable squad but this also doesnt work.

    Did i do something wrong?

  2. i found the answer by myself. When i order units with the logistic tab i can choose "join my group" in the last menu. just if someone is interested

  3. Does this actually work for you? I tried it and nothing happened!

  4. Edited 9 years ago by Asmodeus

    @incontinenetia Player combat logistics does work for me. But it's currently working in a way that I'm slowly starting to fed up with it.

    Calling for an AI group with Join Player group always ends up like this:

    • the vehicle belonging to the convoy stops 50-200 meters before or after the actual marker
    • when I'm being informed that "Unloading is in progress" this means that only one soldier actually jumps out of the vehicle
    • this only soldier then proceeds to move about aimlessly apparently in Combat-state when rest of the squad stays sitting in the convoy vehicle
    • n-minutes pass (~5-10 minutes at least) and not much happens with the state of the convoy
    • after some time the convoy vehicle returns back to the area where the initial insertion was made
    • after RTB few more minutes pass and only then I receive information that the convoy has been succesfully unloaded (also at this time and only at this time the AI group is attached under my control)
    • then the AI soldiers start their run from hundreds of meters away to join their squad leader

    The whole process to join with an AI group takes about 20-30 minutes because of the hassle it's coming up with.

    Tested with Arma 1.56, CBA and ALiVE 1.0 in use.

  5. Interesting. Any other mods aside from ALiVE/CBA? Could you post a rpt?

  6. Is the behavior any different if you paradrop them in? I've done that before (a long time ago) and it worked fine.


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