No IEDs spawned (SOLVED)

  1. 9 years ago

    Hi ALiVE team!

    First of all congratulations on solving the server issue!

    I have been recently playing with IED threats, on the map of Altis, but I am somehow not successful since no IEDs are spawned. I am having the following modules placed: ALIVE (Required) , Military CQB (restricted to a marker in a city) and Military IED Threat restricted to a 1500x1500 marker. However, despite forcing it to extreme, no IEDs are generated?

    Am I missing something?

  2. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Is the IED module synced to anything, such as an Assymetric AI Commander?

  3. No, it is not. I assumed, after reading the wiki, that it can be used independently in order to produce random IEDs in a zone.

  4. It can definitely be used without syncing it to anything. Not sure why it's not working. When synced to an Assymetric AI Commander sometimes it takes awhile for them to lay IED's down. I was hoping that was your answer.

    Have you debugged the module at all?

  5. Turn on debug in the module settings and see if there is a circle around the town. If not, expand the marker. Depending on the map/town there is also a chance that the city just isn't picked up.

  6. The marker is 1500x1500 (in Altis) and still no success.

  7. Remove all TAOR's from the IED module, turn on debug and then view the map. If there is a circle in the area that you are trying to cover then please share your mission file. If not, then the area is not a valid IED zone.

  8. Will do, later today. Thanks for your help.

  9. 8 years ago

    Marking this as solved for now.. please post if that is not the case


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