Opcom controlling reinforcements

  1. 9 years ago


    How to make BLUFOR COMMANDER control reinforcements after they have deployed?

    Ex: I want to have two fireteams guarding my FOB, i insert them by chopper, and want to controle them with Commander Option , Operations.

  2. Select "Reinforce" at the bottom of the tablet when requesting the reinforcements.

  3. I have tried that, but when i go to Operations on the commander tablet, they dont show.
    This is in the start of the mission, before blufor have lost any units.

    The units just stand there regardless of what i select... reinforcements, static... only when i tell them to join me, they act...

    Is there a cap on units?
    So that the reinforcements i have requested go over that cap so the opcom cant use them?

    Is there a timer that has to run out before opcom can use the units?

    It vas mention that i can have the units join my squad, the hand them of to opcom. Howto?

    Tx for a great mod.


  4. You will have to wait a brief period after they show up for them to appear on the tablet. OPCOM scans for groups every cycle and the groups are not known to him until they are scanned.

  5. Ok, thanks.


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