Last active 7 years ago
Okay had a quick look through, and here's what I found.
Where's the server run from, what mission(s) does it not work with, have you installed @ALiVE and @ALiVEServer onto your server?
Give as much information as possible in future please.
class Extended_Init_EventHandlers {
class Man {
init = "_this call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'script.sqf')";
if (side _this == CIV) then {_this addAction ["Talk","talk\talk_init.sqf"] };
Top scripting tip: Always do it the simplest way first until you know it works, then you can clean it up and optimise it. :)
Personally I can't understand a word of it, but it looks cool and super helpful..! Keep it up :)
1. Are you sure you've used the correct factions, 2. Have you used the CQB module and not put a TAOR marker, and 3. are there any AI spawned without using ALiVE (I.e. editor placed or via script)
He means the ones created by map intel in C2ISTAR module. And for the moment you can't as it's within ALiVE's config, but I don't see why they wouldn't make that an option later on. :)
No idea what's causing it, I myself don't have the issue, but firstly disable all other mods you have and try loading again. If it's a mission you've made, un-sync the modules, make sure they are UN-GROUPED (the light-blue lines) and then re-sync them. If it's a complex mission then make sure to give it decent loading time, since ALiVE is so modular-heavy and modules are the thing that takes the most time to initialise. If you've tried all of these, and waited at least 5 minutes, then report back. Good luck..!
It's a bug with the current ALiVE version, should be fixed in next update because they had it working before. :)