

Last active 6 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Tue Apr 17 20:47:37 2018

    Also running it with no issues.

  2. 7 years ago
    Fri Nov 10 21:34:37 2017
    E eric963 posted in Modify ammo/supply crates.

    @Whigital Thanks for taking a look into this!!!! I’ll check it out as soon as I get home tonight.

  3. Wed Jun 28 20:52:51 2017
    E eric963 posted in Am i going mad or is this a bug.

    This is very similar to the issue I was having. Instead of adding arsenal to the box I was trying to add custom items.


  4. Mon Apr 3 18:43:36 2017
    E eric963 posted in Modify ammo/supply crates.

    When you attempt to place the ammo box down it automatically opens the window showing the default items.

    If you hit ok it places the box down with the default items. If you hit cancel it places the box down withe the modified items from the script.

  5. Fri Mar 31 02:25:19 2017
    E eric963 posted in Modify ammo/supply crates.

    @SavageCDN This version of ALiVE is build for A3 version: 168.140908. The server is running version: 168.141112.

    There was a ARMA3 hotfix update yesterday, that's where the above warning is coming from. Both server and client have Alive Version

    Here is the basic mission ammocrate.pbo with just Alive and CBA.

    It works fine thru the editor in single player but when the mission is ran on a dedicated server or hosted multiplayer by the client the dropped ammo box will have the default items in it.

    In all three setting the ammo box that starts the mission on the map has the modified contents.

  6. 8 years ago
    Thu Mar 30 17:44:54 2017
    E eric963 posted in Modify ammo/supply crates.

    Yes, will update and verify both client and sever versions and retest. If it's still not working I'll upload the small test pbo along with the new rpt file as soon as I get off work.


  7. Wed Mar 29 23:54:52 2017
    E eric963 posted in Modify ammo/supply crates.

    Sorry for the delay, been really busy and just now getting back into ALive..

    Correct, the editor placed box has the custom content but the Box_NATO_Ammo_F that you unload from the supply drop has the default contents in it.

    Here is the rpt file

  8. Wed Mar 29 21:04:05 2017
    E eric963 posted in Altis Vehicle Persistence.

    OK, re-downloaded dedicated server files and all is good to go now.

  9. Wed Mar 29 20:05:43 2017
    E eric963 posted in Altis Vehicle Persistence.

    Ok, I guess what's throwing me off is why it works fine on Stratis but not Altis.

  10. Wed Mar 29 17:16:52 2017
    E eric963 posted in Altis Vehicle Persistence.

    Yes I do. But I have it that way on Stratis also and vehicle perstence works fine.

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