

Last active 3 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Mon Feb 26 06:48:33 2018
    O Opendome started the conversation Red Dawn Map Suggestion.


    Im looking at starting a sort of Red Dawn campaign and was wondering if you guys knew of any good maps for it? I'm looking for a large map preferably North American (I looked around but didnt really find any that would work) or a European map.


  2. Fri Dec 15 23:07:23 2017
    O Opendome posted in ALiVE Performance.

    Thanks! Should I run my server/headless clients with -enableHT if I assign affinities?

  3. Wed Dec 13 08:43:04 2017
    O Opendome posted in ALiVE Performance.

    also even with 2 HCs running I see that only 1 core is really being utilized on the server and it still doesnt max out?

  4. Wed Dec 13 06:08:15 2017
    O Opendome posted in ALiVE Performance.

    For sure I added you thanks!

    @Friznit I was wondering do you just use the default network settings or do yo use a basic.cfg? Also what sorts of parameters do you run?


  5. Wed Dec 13 00:34:23 2017
    O Opendome posted in ALiVE Performance.

    Thanks so much! Here's the file https://nofile.io/f/drtONXja3zJ/MSFBadghis3.lythium.pbo

  6. Tue Dec 12 08:39:10 2017
    O Opendome posted in ALiVE Performance.

    Im really stuck and dont understand why or what I can do to fix it :( Ive always had this sort of problem even on other missions I made with lower settings than recommended on Isla Duala for instance. Any help would be greatly greatly appreciated

  7. Mon Dec 11 21:04:35 2017
    O Opendome started the conversation Basic.cfg.

    Hey everyone! I was just wondering how people have their basic.cfgs setup for their servers running AliVE? My server has

    Network connection: 1 Gbps
    Bandwidth OVH/OVH: 1 Gbps
    Outgoing bandwidth: 250 Mbps
    Incoming bandwidth: 1 Gbps

    but im a bit worried on how to configure it.


  8. Mon Dec 11 21:02:42 2017
    O Opendome posted in ALiVE Performance.

    Thats the weird part, all the players were with eachother, I had spawn distances set at 1000, was running two headless clients, no one was flying any aircraft. I havent added or messed with the basic.cfg could that the the issue?

  9. Sat Dec 9 20:39:47 2017
    O Opendome posted in R3F Logistics and ALiVE?.

    Yup! I got R3F working well (For the most part) with ALiVE and its been great! http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Logistics_Support

    The "Place the Alive (Required) module as normal but name it ALiVE_SYS_LOGISTICS" doesnt work and seems unecessary now but the

    "Then add the line in R3F_LOG\objet_deplacable\relacher.sqf at line 12:
    [ALiVE_SYS_LOGISTICS,"updateObject",[R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet]] call ALIVE_fnc_logistics;"

    works perfectly and saves the object when you release it. Just add the items you want in the config and assign their size parameters.

  10. Sat Dec 9 20:33:33 2017
    O Opendome posted in ALiVE Performance.

    Thanks! I just cant figure out what my problem is I have things set to even less than the default parameters but when I have say 9-10 people on the server just seems to tank. Frames drop to 2-5 FPS, units spawn in right in front of people with 1 unit spawning in every 5 seconds that dont have damage register on them at all. I try to restart the server manually/save it every 12 hours or so. Its on a good dedicated box ( i7-7700K OC - 64GB - SoftRaid 2x450GB NVMe) with only the arma server running with two headless clients. Ive been trying to figure it out for like a year but I have no idea what else to do. For mods Im on Lythium with RHS USAF, AFRF, GREF, Spyder Addons and TFAR.

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