

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Mon Sep 14 19:32:34 2015
    T Taksi started the conversation WarRoom SYS_DATA issues.

    Seeing a lot of stuff persist, and some failures. My log has a few messages like this when the map starts:

    21:36:42 ALiVE SYS_DATA_COUCHDB - READ DATA RESULT: ["#CBA_HASH#",["_id","_rev","lastSaveTime","pitch","rating","group","leader","viewDistance","terrainGrid","position","position_0","position_1","position_2","dir","side","damage","head_hit","body","hands","legs","fatigue","bleeding","oxygen","score","assignedItemMagazines","primaryWeaponMagazine","primaryWeaponMagazine_0","primaryWeaponMagazine_0_1","primaryWeaponItems","handgunWeaponMagazine","handgunItems","secondaryWeaponMagazine","secondaryWeaponItems","uniformItems","uniformMagazines","vestItems","vestMagazines","vestMagazines_0","vestMagazines_0_1","vestMagazines_1","vestMagazines_1_1","vestMagazines_2","vestMagazines_2_1","vestMagazines_3","vestMagazines_3_1","vestMagazines_4","vestMagazines_4_1","backpackCargo","backpackMagazines","backpackitems","assigneditems","weaponstate","weaponstate_2","weaponstate_3","weaponstate_4","weaponstate_5","index","type","vehiclesInCommandOf","unitClasses","despawnPosition","despawnPosition_0","despawnPosition_1","despawnPosit
    21:36:42 ALiVE SYS_DATA_COUCHDB - READ DATA: SendJSON ["GET", "sys_data/dictionary_Rx_a3m-pmc-simulator_1", "" , "arma3live"]
    21:36:43 ALiVE SYS_DATA - DICTIONARY LOADED: ["#CBA_HASH#",["_id","_rev","lastSaveTime","pitch","rating","group","leader","viewDistance","terrainGrid","position","position_0","position_1","position_2","dir","side","damage","head_hit","body","hands","legs","fatigue","bleeding","oxygen","score","assignedItemMagazines","primaryWeaponMagazine","primaryWeaponMagazine_0","primaryWeaponMagazine_0_1","primaryWeaponItems","handgunWeaponMagazine","handgunItems","secondaryWeaponMagazine","secondaryWeaponItems","uniformItems","uniformMagazines","vestItems","vestMagazines","vestMagazines_0","vestMagazines_0_1","vestMagazines_1","vestMagazines_1_1","vestMagazines_2","vestMagazines_2_1","vestMagazines_3","vestMagazines_3_1","vestMagazines_4","vestMagazines_4_1","backpackCargo","backpackMagazines","backpackitems","assigneditems","weaponstate","weaponstate_2","weaponstate_3","weaponstate_4","weaponstate_5","index","type","vehiclesInCommandOf","unitClasses","despawnPosition","despawnPosition_0","despawnPosition_1","despawnPosition_2",
    21:36:43 ALiVE SYS_DATA - MISSION: L ALiVE Modules:1 L ALiVE Modules:1 true
    21:36:43 ALiVE SYS_DATA_COUCHDB - READ DATA: SendJSON ["GET", "sys_data/Rx_a3m-pmc-simulator", "" , "arma3live"]
    21:36:43 ALiVE SYS_DATA_COUCHDB - READ DATA RESPONSE: {"_id":"Rx_a3m-pmc-simulator","_rev":"12-aaafae082497f5407544b8c7a4b4dc82","date":[2020,1,27,10,8],"Group":"Rx","B_defensebudget":9980000.0}

    Currently I'm seeing most logistics stuff persisted, but players are having issues with their profile carrying over a server restart; as well as not showing any events on the showoperation screen. Is there anything I can try on my side, could this be fixed by resetting the DB state, etc?

    (Mods are: CBA_A3,ALiVE,ACE3,RHS)

  2. Mon Sep 14 18:41:17 2015
    T Taksi posted in Using ACE IEDs?.

    After some playing this weekend with the IEDs, I should for starters say: well done. My feature request for ACE compatibility (when the mod is present), would be:

    • Requiring the disarm kit ACE_DefusalKit
    • Using this to detect explosives module disarm settings [player] call ACE_Explosives_fnc_canDefuse
    • Calling the ACE disarm function to resolve possible detonation (chance is based on caller) [player, leBomb] call ACE_Explosives_fnc_StartDefuse;
  3. Wed Sep 9 21:36:38 2015
    T Taksi posted in Using ACE IEDs?.

    Without looking at the responsible code I figured as much. I'll take a stab at it once the dust settles on the linux plugin testing.

  4. Wed Sep 9 20:24:47 2015
    T Taksi started the conversation Using ACE IEDs?.

    About to dive into replacing the placed ALiVE IEDs with ACE3 ones when the server spawns them. Has anyone else attempted this before?

  5. Mon Sep 7 22:30:04 2015
    T Taksi posted in Linux Dedi.

    Would love to try persistence over here.

  6. Thu Jul 2 16:28:29 2015
    T Taksi started the conversation Persisting Player Inventory and ACE.

    My mission is a "simple" ALiVE+ACE+ASR_AI setup, hosted on a dedicated linux box. I was able to get it persisting the player gear on disconnect, but with minor issues. The players return with everything except their map/compass/radio/gps/binoculars, which are empty. Curious if anyone else had seen/fixed this.

  7. Tue Jun 30 00:32:53 2015
    T Taksi posted in Mission Tasks.

    Destroy a custom military objective. I'm able to add a custom objective, how would I set OPFOR to defend it, and BLUFOR having a task to destroy it?

    I accomplished this via script like:

        campfireHook = nearestObject [getMarkerPos "thefire", "Land_Campfire_burning"];

    "thefire" is a marker that I placed on top of the objective, I then added an objective; linked to a trigger that has the condition:

    !alive campfireHook;
  8. Mon Jun 29 21:11:11 2015
    T Taksi started the conversation Showing players the Command Points.

    One of my group's favorite missions used to be DUWS. When we discussed the features that we liked, one that came up was the desire to know "the score" so to speak. In DUWS you're always aware of the current CP available to your team. When objective is taken, there's an update given to all the players, as well as whenever it "ticks". On the wiki I saw this snippet:

    _currentBLUFORForcepool = [ALIVE_globalForcePool,"BLU_F"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet;

    Is there a mod feature to display this on the Player Combat Logistics GUI, or a way to announce it on major updates? Currently the players' requests can be drops in the bucket, more than available, or near the entirety of the reserves. Since the player has to do this request blind, and the large lead-time before the troops arrive, the players have no concept of the "weight" of their request. This would be like shopping, but without knowing how much is in your wallet prior to checkout.

  9. Mon Jun 29 21:01:45 2015
    T Taksi started the conversation Mission Tasks.

    I'm trying to add a few static tasks to my mission. Curious if there are existing examples for me to look at. The tasks I'm trying for are:

    • Grab a crate from location A, move it to location B (Hopefully leveraging the player logistics?). Bonus points: debuff player movement speed while it's being carried.
    • Release civilian captives.
    • Destroy a custom military objective. I'm able to add a custom objective, how would I set OPFOR to defend it, and BLUFOR having a task to destroy it?
  10. Mon Jun 29 02:03:14 2015

    You're a badass, I didn't find that searching. Added a few objectives by hand, it's now working perfectly. Thanks a ton. Now I just have to figure out why half the spawned vehicles explode when I launch the map...

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