

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Mon Mar 28 20:51:45 2016
    Z zantetzou posted in alive civi problem.

    We are using CUP

  2. Mon Mar 28 11:24:50 2016
    Z zantetzou posted in alive civi problem.

    Tried Alits and Stratis, vanilla civilians are spawning fine.
    Altis with LOP civilians (LOP_TAK_Civ) works aswell.
    CUP Chernarus and Lingor A3 seems to be able to spawn vanilla civilians fine also.
    No vanilla civilians would spawn on Kunduz or Esseker with or without TOAR.
    Spyder addons civilians work on all maps so far.
    Also getting no radio warnings at all to indicate the problem.

    so it seems to be a specific few custom maps that have the problem.

  3. Sun Mar 27 22:54:07 2016
    Z zantetzou posted in alive civi problem.

    @PillowTalk It's the faction you selected.

    CUP_C_TK (Takistan civilians) only has entries for VEHICLES; there are no actual people.

    It also doesn't like to spawn a whole helluva lot of them, so if the vanilla ones aren't immediately there, just wait some time. Especially with no filters since it will need to look through all the buildings in the TAOR before doing anything with them.

    We don't even have the TK vehicles spawning and as i said before we even tried it with "civ_f" as well as cup chernarus and LoP civies, nothing spawns

  4. Sun Mar 27 22:10:51 2016
    Z zantetzou posted in alive civi problem.

    There's no filters set at all, i'l include a couple of pictures just to help.



  5. Sun Mar 27 21:58:30 2016
    Z zantetzou started the conversation alive civi problem.

    Been having trouble getting civilians to spawn in our missions, debug detects the towns as you can see in the picture but it fails to actually spawn any units.

    Picture includes an error


    The faction used in the picture was "CUP_C_TK" but we have tried vanilla and other factions.

    Any info would be great thanks.

  6. 9 years ago
    Thu Oct 8 20:04:36 2015
    Z zantetzou started the conversation indexed maps.

    In the list of alive indexed maps there is "Esseker","Mogadishu" and "Nam" but our missions aren't working on these maps.
    Can anyone confirm that the maps are indexed and which map version it uses?.


  7. Thu Oct 8 19:47:43 2015
    Z zantetzou joined the forum.