Last active 9 years ago
@dixon13 - We have after that implemented the Alive.cfg, still the same error occours! :( - This is the mission file we're using. The problem seems to be random, sometimes we can play for hours, sometimes only few minutes.
I really hope you can help, that would safe my day! :)
Hi @dixon13 - To be honest, i cant remember, but i think Morph logging out as admin was because the server crashed.
I have trying to del. the ACE modules and put them in again, but still the server crash, this is the new RPT file, if you @HeroesandvillainsOS and @dixon13 mind to have a look :)
@dixon13 From what I see on you rpt here is what you need to do...
- Delete all of the ACE modules and put them down. The log says you are possibly using old modules.
- ALiVE cannot open the 'alive.cfg' file. Make sure that is in the correct location.
Try those fixes and see if that solves your problems @Drastrup
When you say Delete ACE modules and put them down, what exaclty do you mean? :)
I'm sorry, English isn't my native language, so sometime you want to have a litle patience with my understandig ;)
@HeroesandvillainsOS Drastrup, I know we PM'd each other.
Sorry, i din't answer you back Hero, but as i mentioned: I'm not so strong in english gramma ;) But im very _VERY_ thankfull for all of Your help, i didn't choose the Pathfinders mission, i recon that the reposetory were to big for our purpose.
But the NATORFOR mission is perfect for our use, if it not gonna crash, so i will try to do what your said, if i can figure out exactly what to do... :)
Do somebody mind looking my RPT file allso, i think maybe i got simulair fault
I've be glad to get those links Heroes :)
Okay, now, im a little bit confused... What does Alive then use as intel?
It's this one - Can someone maybe point me in the right direction then?
The problem is, i CANT select intel on the scroll menu.
I can se the intel lying on the ground, a briefcase for example, but i cant scroll and select any "intel" menu - So therefore nothing is appearing on map :/
No, i'm sorry - Maybe i didn't explain it precise.
I have made the Incurgensy mission, and i can find intel objects in the game: For example a briefcase, but: when i want to scroll at the object and collect it, nothing happens... And i don't know what i did wrong, maybe someone else expirienced that or have a idea to what i could do.