Last active 8 months ago
Thanks for the quick reply marcel!
I did include the following in description.ext
class CfgFactionClasses { class alive_zombies_mutants { displayName = "Russia (MSV)"; side = 1; flag = ""; icon = ""; priority = -1; }; };
but ALiVE still keeps giving the "There are no groups.."
Hey there!
I've created a faction with one group but when I preview the mission ALiVE just keeps informing me that "There are are no groups for OPCOM faction(s) ["alive_zombies_mutants"]! Please check you chose the correct faction(s), and that factions have groups defined in the ArmA 3 default categories infantry, motorized, mechanized, armored, air, sea!"
I've declared the faction and its group in description.ext like so:
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Config Automatically Generated by ALiVE ORBAT Creator // Generated with Arma 3 version 184.144923 on Stable branch // Generated with ALiVE version ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CfgGroups { class EAST { class alive_zombies_mutants { name = "Alive mutants"; class Infantry { name = "Infantry"; class o_ua_infantry_mutants_and_zombies_for_alive { name = "Mutants and zombies for ALiVE"; side = 1; faction = "alive_zombies_mutants"; icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\o_inf.paa"; rarityGroup = 0.5; class Unit0 { position[] = {0,0,0}; rank = "SERGEANT"; side = 1; vehicle = "O_UA_zombie_2_01"; }; class Unit1 { position[] = {5,-5,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 1; vehicle = "O_UA_zombie_03"; }; class Unit2 { position[] = {-5,-5,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 1; vehicle = "O_UA_zombie_06"; }; class Unit3 { position[] = {10,-10,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 1; vehicle = "O_UA_zombie_05"; }; class Unit4 { position[] = {-10,-10,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 1; vehicle = "O_UA_zombie_02"; }; class Unit5 { position[] = {15,-15,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 1; vehicle = "O_UA_zombie_01"; }; }; }; }; }; };
In the mission editor I've placed Military AI commander module and in its Override factions field I've typed alive_zombies_mutants
Then I placed Military placement module and in its Force faction I've typed alive_zombies_mutants
As usual I've synced those two modules together.
Then I go and preview the mission and get greeted with the "There are no groups.." debug information.
Afaik I should have everything set up so what gives? Well.. only thing I haven't declared in the description.ext is class CfgFactionClasses but is that even needed?
Tasks autogenerated by C2ISTAR module can be disabled by blacklisting (individual tasks) but this doesn't affect the player's ability to use the "Generate a task" functionality which essentially offers the exact same tasks available for player creation.
Is there a way to disable the "Generate a task" functionality completely so that even players can not create these default tasks available with the C2ISTAR module?
Coming back to this after quite some time :)
Is there a way to blacklist groups from the player combat logistics module without affecting what groups the AI commander will be able to spawn from the logistics pool? I mean, doesn't the ALiVE_PLACEMENT_CUSTOM_GROUPBLACKLIST
remove groups so that both the players and the AI commander won't be able to call the blacklisted groups at any point(?)
gasp That did the trick marcel, thank You! FYI there's also now no need for the waitUntil part you suggested earlier since the whole script package you have provided works just fine without.
Now the test mission ends when side WEST has captured all the objectives that I have laid out for the mission (be it one or ten) in the in-game editor.
Just to return to my original question: what about picking let's say three objectives out of five? Anything to start with scripting-wise to make a mission end when certain three objectives out of five have been captured by a side?
marceldev, thank you for the suggestion which I did apply like this
[] spawn { waitUntil {!(isNil "ALIVE_REQUIRE_INITIALISED")}; while {true} do {
yet the game (or should I say the mission) is still outputting the same error that I pasted in my previous response.
Here's a more complete RPT output. There are some other errors too but I at least consider them to be directly because of the first error (that is about the Assertion failed!)
18:07:01 [55697,761.211,0,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, alive_main=, "] 18:07:01 [55697,761.27,0,"XEH: PostInit finished."] 18:07:01 ALiVE_sys_acemenu: ACE interact_menu not active or no interface found, exiting 18:07:01 [ALIVE] (mil_OPCOM) ERROR: Assertion failed! x\alive\addons\mil_opcom\fnc_OPCOM.sqf:1949 18:07:01 Assertion (typeName _args == "ARRAY") failed! 18:07:01 18:07:01 <NULL-object> 18:07:01 Error in expression <{ _allObjectivesReserved = false; }; } forEach ([_opcom, "objectives"] call ALI> 18:07:01 Error position: <forEach ([_opcom, "objectives"] call ALI> 18:07:01 Error foreach: Type Object, expected Array 18:07:01 File C:\Users\username\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\alive_ironfront_victoryOnCapture.Staszow\initServer.sqf, line 19 18:07:01 Registered SITREP controls for NON-JIP on briefing screen: keijo 18:07:01 Registered controls for NON-JIP on briefing screen: keijo 18:07:01 Registered PATROLREP controls for NON-JIP on briefing screen: keijo 18:07:06 OPC DATA [2,"xxxx","Player",false,2] 18:07:07 ALiVE [m_3|43] Module ALiVE_SYS_spotrep INIT COMPLETE TIME: 15.621 18:07:07 ALiVE [m_4|44] Module ALiVE_SYS_marker INIT COMPLETE TIME: 15.62 18:07:07 ALiVE [m_18|152] Module ALiVE_SYS_patrolrep INIT COMPLETE TIME: 9.76099 18:07:07 ALiVE [m_17|151] Module ALiVE_SYS_sitrep INIT COMPLETE TIME: 9.76398 18:07:07 Error in expression <ding"]) then {_active = _active + 1}; } foreach _obj; switch (_controltype) d> 18:07:07 Error position: <foreach _obj; switch (_controltype) d> 18:07:07 Error foreach: Type Object, expected Array 18:07:07 Error in expression <ding"]) then {_active = _active + 1}; } foreach _obj; switch (_controltype) d> 18:07:07 Error position: <foreach _obj; switch (_controltype) d> 18:07:07 Error Generic error in expression 18:07:07 Registering Advanced Marker controls for keijo on map screen. 18:07:07 Registered controls for PLAYER on map screen: keijo 18:07:07 Registering SITREP controls for keijo on map screen. 18:07:07 Registering PATROLREP controls for keijo on map screen. 18:07:07 Registered PATROLREP controls for PLAYER on map screen: keijo 18:07:07 Registered SITREP controls for PLAYER on map screen: keijo 18:07:08 "ALiVE - Starting Garbage Collector..." 18:07:10 ALiVE [m_16|150] Module ALiVE_MIL_C2ISTAR INIT COMPLETE TIME: 12.37 18:07:11 ALIVE PLAYER TASK REQUEST ["EAST","LIB_USSR_TANK_TROOPS","CaptureObjective",[["#CBA_HASH#",["debug","active","position","side","profileID","type","objectType","vehicleAssignments","vehiclesInCommandOf","vehiclesInCargoOf","leader","unitClasses","unitCount","group","companyID","groupID","waypoints","waypointsCompleted","positions","damages","ranks","units","speedPerSecond","despawnPosition","hasSimulated","isCycling","activeCommands","inactiveCommands","spawnType","faction","isPlayer","_rev","_id","busy"],[false,false,[5481.61,6137.85,0],"WEST","LIB_WEHRMACHT-entity_0","entity","LIB_GER_AT_squad",["#CBA_HASH#",[],[],any],[],[],<NULL-object>,["LIB_GER_unterofficer","LIB_GER_AT_soldier","LIB_GER_AT_soldier","LIB_GER_AT_grenadier","LIB_GER_AT_grenadier","LIB_GER_AT_grenadier","LIB_GER_AT_grenadier","LIB_GER_AT_grenadier","LIB_GER_AT_soldier","LIB_GER_AT_soldier"],0,<NULL-group>,"","",[],[],[[5481.61,6137.85,0],[5481.61,6137.85,0],[5481.61,6137.85,0],[5481.61,6137.85,0],[5481.61,6137.85,0],[5481.61,6137.85,0],[54 18:07:13 Duplicate weapon Throw detected for LIB_GER_rifleman 18:07:13 Duplicate weapon Put detected for LIB_GER_rifleman 18:07:16 Error in expression <nc_hashGet; (!(isnil "_objectives") && {count _objectives > 0}) }; _modulesFact> 18:07:16 Error position: <count _objectives > 0}) }; _modulesFact> 18:07:16 Error count: Type Object, expected Array,String,Config entry 18:07:16 File \x\alive\addons\mil_logistics\fnc_ML.sqf [ALiVE_fnc_ML], line 2276 18:07:16 ALiVE [m_20|170] Module ALiVE_SUP_PLAYER_RESUPPLY INIT COMPLETE TIME: 18.07
Thank you for the quick reply marceldev!
I substituted the //end mission here with a plain "end1" call BIS_fnc_endMissionServer; just to get a quick test run going.
At the mission start the game hit me with this
19:39:39 [ALIVE] (mil_OPCOM) ERROR: Assertion failed! x\alive\addons\mil_opcom\fnc_OPCOM.sqf:1949 19:39:39 Assertion (typeName _args == "ARRAY") failed! 19:39:39 19:39:39 <NULL-object> 19:39:39 Error in expression < { _allObjectivesReserved = false; }; } forEach ([_opcom, "objectives"] call ALI> 19:39:39 Error position: <forEach ([_opcom, "objectives"] call ALI> 19:39:39 Error foreach: Type Object, expected Array 19:39:39 File C:\Users\username\Documents\Arma 3\mpmission\alive_ironfront_victoryOnCapture.Staszow\initServer.sqf, line 18
Where this problem might supposedly be hiding then?
I'm still at a loss: what kind of script needs to be created so that a mission can be ended when certain side has triggered OPCOM_RESERVE state for multiple objectives?
For example if there are three objectives in a mission
and we'd want to force the mission to end when side WEST has occupied all three objectives.
One question from me would be that can (or should) the script provided by highhead earlier in this discussion be used or can it be a completely separate one?
If it can be a completely separate script then I'm thinking something like if OPCOM_46275344_objective_1+OPCOM_46275344_objective_2+OPCOM_46275344_objective_3 = side West call BIS_fnc_endMissionServer;
but I'm unable to come up with anything that would resemble an actual working script snippet.
For anyone bumping into this topic I'd suggest to take a look in ALiVE GitHub repository where I'd say one can always find the latest list of ALiVE_autoGeneratedTasks .
For anyone bumping into this topic I'd suggest to take a look in ALiVE GitHub repository where I'd say one can always find the latest list of ALiVE_autoGeneratedTasks .