

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Wed Jun 28 12:40:49 2017
    KuroNeko87 started the conversation Insurgency as the insurgents.

    Is it possible for me to set up an insurgency mission against an occupying force? For example playing guerrilla against CSAT or something like that?

  2. 8 years ago
    Sat Oct 15 06:19:52 2016
    KuroNeko87 posted in Crash when indexing.

    something definitely changed, I can't get past it no matter what i even told it not to categorize the buildings again, since I had indexed the map once before and still have the files

  3. Fri Oct 14 23:59:41 2016
    KuroNeko87 posted in Crash when indexing.

    My crash report https://paste.ee/p/r4Cgx

    the Indexing folder log
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Starting Map Index for chernarusplus on 10/14/2016 7:50:52 PM
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pathToMap: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@DAYZ-EKB\addons\EKB_worlds_chernarusplus.pbo
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> root: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ALiVE
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ALiVE\indexing
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logfile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ALiVE\indexing\chernarusplus\log.txt
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indexfile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ALiVE\indexing\chernarusplus\x\alive\addons\fnc_strategic\indexes\objects.chernarusplus.sqf
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parsedIndexfile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ALiVE\indexing\chernarusplus\x\alive\addons\fnc_strategic\indexes\parsed.objects.chernarusplus.sqf
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blacklist file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ALiVE\alive_object_blacklist.txt
    Executing deWrp: cmd.exe /c DeWrp.exe -O "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@DAYZ-EKB\addons\EKB_worlds_chernarusplus.pbo" > "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ALiVE\indexing\chernarusplus\x\alive\addons\fnc_strategic\indexes\objects.chernarusplus.sqf"
    deWrp analysis completed

    List of objects remaining:

  4. Fri Oct 14 23:28:05 2016
    KuroNeko87 started the conversation Crash when indexing.

    I'm trying to run an Index but the game crashes right after clicking any key on the DeWrp command prompt.
    Using Alive Version

    • ------- CBA-A3 Version
    • ------- Latest version of map

    Battleye is disabled, File patching enabled, DeWrp on path, x folder on mission file... I dont know what else is wrong. I've indexed maps before but I'm baffled with this.

  5. Sat Aug 6 04:51:26 2016
    KuroNeko87 posted in Complete Index of TavianaA3.

    Derp, it was my fault when I added the link. It wasn't taken down.

  6. Sat Aug 6 03:43:31 2016
    KuroNeko87 posted in Complete Index of TavianaA3.

    Oh wow, It was working when I added the link :o

  7. Thu Aug 4 05:12:34 2016
    KuroNeko87 started the conversation Complete Index of TavianaA3.

    Here is a full index for the Arma 3 version of the Taviana map found here http://a3taviana.bid/

    "x" folder download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l0i4sqawbmikm96/Complete%20Index%20of%20TavianaA3.rar?dl=0

  8. Thu Jul 14 18:49:59 2016
    KuroNeko87 posted in Action upon NPC death.

    Thank you! will give it a go

  9. Thu Jul 14 18:27:18 2016
    KuroNeko87 started the conversation Action upon NPC death.

    Hello everyone, here again.

    I have a simple question, is there a way that npcs spawned with alive do a function/command everytime a player kills one?
    For example, kill an enemy/bandit and get reputation (separate mod) and if you kill a civilian, you lose rep.

    If so, how can i do it? what modules do I need?

  10. Wed Jul 6 09:00:34 2016
    KuroNeko87 started the conversation Taviana A3.

    The taviana map was redone and it needs reindexing, Found out the hard way after finishing my mission 4 nights later. I tried to follow the indexing directions but it's not working. I read some forums that certain maps have config problems but im not sure if this is one of them. If someone wants to take a look at the map, here's the A3 link. http://atdgaming.com/index.php?/forums/topic/1970-arma-3-taviana-map-update-0381/

    I would appreciate any assistance.

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