Last active 8 years ago
@SpyderBlack723 You can do this yourself by adding a civilian military objective placement module and set it to spawn the police faction
when adding the BLU_GEN_F faction alive spawns csat... after checking cfgfactionclasses and cfggroups i think i found the problem... arma has them listed as BLU_GEN_F on the factionclasses and in the cfggroups has them listed as faction Gendarmerie so when spawning BLU_GEN_F it says no units for faction and defaults to csat.
sofar so good... one small problem the BLU_GEN_F faction does not seem to be spawning properly not sure if its been done yet but adding the police faction to patrol the civ objectives would make for some interesting missions. and the new vert birds are spawning and blowing up in hangers...