Last active 8 years ago
Simply awesome. I'm really looking forward to fully populate Takistan that way.
Dropped a PM too. With us it's 21+ but it's just because younger people speak to fast for our old ears ;).
Alive & VCOM Ai
For those who wish to disable VCOM AI controlling the CAS module, put this inside the Alive CAS Module Initialization: this setVariable ["VCOM_NOPATHING_Unit",1,false];
I managed to disable VCOM of any other ALiVE CS via the "Code" field of the ALiVE CS. Only the Artillery is causing HUGE problems since I can not disable the VCOM AI on it. I even tried it with a Trigger.
Type: None
Activation: BLUFOR
Condition: ({(typeOf _x == "IP_B_MBT_01_mlrs_F_EFAltis");} count thisList) > 0;
On Activation: {if (typeOf _x == "IP_B_MBT_01_mlrs_F_EFAltis") then {_x setVariable ["NOAI",1]; _x setVariable ["VCOM_NOPATHING_Unit",1,false]};} forEach thisList;
{ _x setVariable ["NOAI",true,false]; } ForEach crew this;
This seems to have stopped my helis flying off on their own when using ALiVE CAS an Transport modules :)
A few quotes from here .
They didn't work for me when I tried last time.
@JD_Wang I just put this code in the init.sqf
[{{Driver _x setvariable ["NOAI",true];} foreach (vehicles select {_x isKindOf 'air'});}, 1, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;That (as far as I understand it) removes VCOM from aircraft of anytype
Could Genesis tell us which code in the init of units works reliable? I need plenty of units excluded from ai addons.
Great to have 2 threads, maybe we should lock one ;).
If Genesis is working on Making the command working reliable, then I'd like to give it a try again at next relaunch.
I tried your code, the direct entry into the units, the third available code, nothing worked reliably.
I can confirm this. And there are plenty of possible inits for the units in the BI forums but none work 100% reliably.
My server is running active 24/7 and when I tried to get VCOM running, they always took off after a while. That's why I switched to ASR.
I tried to get both running together and failed. VCOM tends to use the "support" elements no matter which code you put into their init. There are plenty examples in the BI forums but none work 100% reliably.
Like this:?
I'm also sure someone posted a working script somewhere but can't find it too.