Last active 7 years ago
@HeroesandvillainsOS Right, if I was to use Tanoa, what factions best suit this kind of scenario as the enemy? I am still going to use the French as a main fighting force that is using carriers, and LCAC's to deliver equipment into the region. But being realistic, should I just Boko Haram or something along those lines?
@Churlish Church I have been on the lookout for a decent North African map
@SavageCDN Is that one decent on FPS? I wanted to try Tanoa but I feel that may be too FPS heavy with all the units on the ground.
Any good jungle, or African themed maps? I am looking for a map where I can conduct carrier operations, and beach landings with French forces. Is what I am going for. Thanks,
I will try again using the different units for R3F.
I am looking for some French Armed Forces that work with ALiVE. I was working with R3F, but they aren't compatible with ALiVE. Would a custom faction using the R3F mods work with ALiVE? And by custom faction I mean making one through the group editor/faction editor. Helpful hints are appreciated. Thanks,
Thanks will give it a try, and check it out.
Have any templates for the map yet?
That is what I was going to try tonight. Does it work well with ALiVE?
I am looking for a good quality Middle East map that isn't Takistan for once. I don't like too much desert. Does anyone have any good options for maps?
Looking for a large amount of room as well to conduct multiple operations at the same time without interfering with each other.