Last active 6 years ago
A quick update, I've been very busy with finals (and very lazy) so I've been unable to sit down and record all the support methods that I have issues with, but I will get them up at some point.
@FireDragon76 I actually think missing targets is fairly realistic.
I would agree with that, but my main issue with the ALiVE module is that the aircraft can't even locate the targets, they just leave the AO. Furthermore, some of the artillery support options are off by whole kilometers. If support was only off by a couple hundred meters, I'd be pleased.
@FireDragon76 Mostly I think infantry is still queen of the battlefield and this is something Arma gets right. A few guys with good AT and AA weapons should be able to take on support.
Yeah, thats very true. The players first option should always be AT and their own weapons, but I like having CAS just incase the players start to get overrun. I emphasize this by making supports have long cooldown timers for the players.
Overall I agree with you, and appreciate your comment, but I'm still gonna look for a more accurate alternative.
@HeroesandvillainsOS Fairly certain ALiVE doesn’t touch this behavior whatsoever. It’s not an AI mod.
I agree, and I've seen elsewhere that ALiVE is not an AI mod. Regarding the Helicopter assets, it's possible that it's my imagination, but the ALiVE assets appear to be far less accurate. Regarding the fixed wing assets, ALiVE seeems to function better overall, but seems to have extreme difficulty locating the target. If you'd like I can provide video evidence, but it'll take me some time.
@Guitar18 Have you messed around with ORBAT?
No I haven't used it yet, but I'll give it a shot I guess. I don't think it will fix any of my problems - because the ALiVE fire support is so painfully inaccurate.
Hello once again,
After some additional testing, I have once again run into issues with the fire support systems in my mission.
For a bit of context, I'm using the Altis Armed Forces (2017) Mod. The insurgent faction is Blufor, The player's faction is Indfor, and the allied faction is Opfor. This presents a challenge because I can't use any of the Blufor vehicles for fire support without crewing them by Indfor (meaning I can't use the ALiVE fire support system).
I have tried different methods for multiple fire support options, nothing has been reliable. Here's a quick list to avoid suggesting things I have tried.
Helicopter CAS [attempted AH-6, Mi-28, Mi-24, KA-60] - AliVE System resulted in extremely inaccurate fire support, Vanilla fire support system either gets the helis shot down so quickly they're useless, or they keep engaging everything they see resulting in the helicopter never leaving the AO.
Fixed Wing CAS [attempted JAS 39, L-139] - ALiVE System was too inacurate and 90% time the aircraft crashed on landing, Vanilla fire support system immediately had the jet take off and engage everything it saw.
Artillery [attempted, D-30, M109A6] ALiVE System was incompatable with D-30 and I cannot use the M109A6 via ALiVE because it's a US Blufor unit, Vanilla fire support was off by a couple km using the D-30 and seems to work 50% of the time when using the M109A6.
So any suggestions are welcomed, I would prefer not to have player operated CAS units. If you have a question I will clarify as soon as I am avaliable. Thanks.
As of now, I have the players responsible for patrolling the entire AO. I have had some issues setting up BLUFOR patrols, how do you do it?
Sorry in advance for making two threads back to back, but I was just curious to get some feedback.
I've been developing an insurgency mission for a little while now, but I've been curious about how others set up their AO markers. Personally, I have one giant AO marker for the entire area where insurgents are active. Is this the best way to go about creating an AO, or should I create a bunch of smaller AOs, like per town?
Hello! I have had some pretty good success in my counterinsurgency mission, and am happy to report that I have refined the combat to be just how I want it - just one problem though.
I have run about three test missions with other players, and from the beginning, I've been scratching my head wondering what we should do with the civs that we arrest. In our first couple of patrols, we've come across multiple civs worthy of arrest. Unfortunately, we have no idea what to do with them once we bring them back to base.
Does anyone know of a system for this or have any suggestions?