

Last active 6 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Fri Jun 22 05:21:01 2018
    xetra11 posted in CFP!.

    Completely revamped/overhauled German CUP KSK (Desert and Woodland factions)

    Like that part! As a former german soldier I kinda am upset of onlt having recond and commandos available :D

    (yeah I use BWMod but it is not complete for AL!VE)

  2. Thu Jun 21 20:33:20 2018

    Yea I have debug on but thought its some kind of log I have to worry about like the ones telling me my server performance can not handle the amount of profiles!

    Well since it is nothing bad I am good here!

    Thank you

  3. Thu Jun 21 20:32:07 2018
    xetra11 posted in Limit Combat Support?.

    thx will try that out!

  4. Thu Jun 21 20:12:36 2018
    xetra11 posted in CFP!.

    Question: Does CFP need all CUP Addons? Or only core? Will I lose CUP Vehicles etc. if I only use CFP or are they integrated into CUP? I am a bit confused here

  5. Thu Jun 21 20:04:59 2018
    xetra11 posted in CFP!.

    yea it is fricking awesome

  6. Mon Jun 18 20:09:53 2018

    In my servers RPT I have following logs:

    22:09:47 ALiVE Roadblock iteration time: 0.148926 secs for 72 entries...
    22:09:48 ALiVE Roadblock iteration time: 0.166992 secs for 72 entries...
    22:09:49 ALiVE Roadblock iteration time: 0.0629883 secs for 72 entries...
    22:09:50 ALiVE Roadblock iteration time: 0.0209961 secs for 72 entries...
    22:09:51 ALiVE Roadblock iteration time: 0.0419922 secs for 72 entries...
    22:09:52 ALiVE Roadblock iteration time: 0.0209961 secs for 72 entries...

    Can anybody tell me what is going on here? Is it a normal info log or an error?


  7. Mon Jun 18 20:06:47 2018
    xetra11 posted in Limit Combat Support?.

    Are you sure on that? Does this still happen with the actual release of VCOM?
    And if so, how can I disable VCOM from using my lovely arty

  8. Sun Jun 17 14:01:33 2018
    xetra11 started the conversation Proceed to battle position.

    Hey Guys!

    I wonder what's the sense of those tasks?
    I have a Close Air Support Parent tasks. It consists of "Move to Battle Position" and of the actual "Close Airsupport (Factory)" Task.

    The positon where I have to move first, the battle position, makes totally no sense regarding the actual CAS target. I have to move to the north of the map - and call CAS in the south...

    Is this a known issue?

  9. Sun Jun 17 13:58:34 2018

    Awesome! When I find time I will look into this. Hopefully it solves my problem. So that Way I can have, like a Bundeswehr Squad and one unit of it is a takistani militant who will act as a translator? Looking forward to it

  10. Wed Jun 13 18:00:33 2018

    Well I actually found a solution to this. You can Update your Tasks through the "Tasks" Menu of C2ISTAR! Then they will be completed when reevaluated!

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