

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Mon Oct 19 18:43:52 2015
    onedigita posted in Ryan Zombies and Deamons?.

    Not really, my main focus is a pvpe based version of insurgency/mso. However the idea popped into my head that they have the best and should be only solution to spawning life why not be able to spawn death ;P lol Just kind of makes sense not only could you populate regular arma missions but you could populate your own zombie missions as well. If the alive dev team could integrate this mod and people realize what its capable of doing, they will lose there shit. A zombie sandbox in seconds on any map? with the war room persistence, ya people will be all over this.

  2. Mon Oct 19 06:07:27 2015
    onedigita posted in Ryan Zombies and Deamons?.

    I found there class name and ive got them to spawn but only threw the amb civ placement module using this classname Ryanzombiesfaction. it works and it works good. I can drop a few of those to make it spawn more but I want them to roam around and be inside houses so the ability to use the cqb and military placements would be a huge bonus.

  3. Sun Oct 18 05:29:18 2015
    onedigita posted in Ryan Zombies and Deamons?.

    zombies module possibly?

  4. Sun Oct 18 04:09:19 2015
    onedigita started the conversation Ryan Zombies and Deamons?.

    Is there any support for this mod or any other zombie mods?

  5. Fri Oct 16 17:57:40 2015
    onedigita posted in civilian traffic.

    yes 100% would love it!

  6. Fri Oct 16 16:59:01 2015
    onedigita posted in civilian traffic.

    yea at this point Id really be happy with something than nothing. with this latest update I have bumped the level of civilians greatly but I will try even more and add more vehicles. This is something alive should definitely have. theres no point in using a 3rd party script to bog down your mission we need to get this feature asap! :D

  7. Fri Oct 16 16:16:56 2015
    onedigita posted in HEADLESS CLIENT.

    @capsoso -image-

    My server running four headless client, we use a proprietary system created by our community, to manage multiplipos servers, and use .bat files to use HC

    would you care to share your system? :)

  8. Fri Oct 16 16:14:20 2015
    onedigita started the conversation civilian traffic.

    First off just want to say that the latest update for alive is the best thing that has happened to arma 3. My insurgency mission can now be what I always thought it should be and wouldn't have been possible with out you guys so thank you very much!

    My question:

    I am using the leights opfor and I got the idea to setup a Military Placement (Civilian Objectives) and selected the motorized with there civilian class LOP_TAK_Civ in hopes that it would create civilian traffic which didn't work. Is there a way to create civilian traffic? its the one thing my mission is missing?

  9. Fri Jun 12 21:07:57 2015
    onedigita started the conversation Ace switching units module.

    Hey guys,

    I've been playing with the switching units module for ace trying to recrate an arma2 insurgency with alive but i have a major problem that I believe can only be solved with alive.

    When the grid systems are activated threw the cqb moduel and another enemy player spawns into one of the ai, alive now think that grid has been cleared and marks it as red. this is a major probelm when your trying to clear grids.

    I know i could just disable the grid system but i really enjoy this old style so you have an easy recollection of what grids havent been cleared and which are active, whos clearing grids where.

    Anyways i figured it was worth mentioning and hoping to get a fix for the next release.

    Hardcore alive fan

  10. Sun Jun 7 03:57:54 2015
    onedigita started the conversation Esbekistan profiling?.

    Just wondered if we could get Esbekistan added to the profile list. ive tested the arma 2 ver with allinarma and she seems to work fine other than some issues with the water but i think theres an easy fix for that.

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